Openstruct oddity

In reference to thread 117889 Wed, 27 Oct 2004,

does anyone know what’s happened to this? This is about openstruct picking up a defined method when the same name is passed to openstruct send method. I ran into this problem with ruby 1.8.5 and I found in the above thread that it was a known anomaly. It seems that Matz intended to fix it. Still pending or I should use openstruct differently?

In addition to that, although might be related, I don’t know, it seems that openstruct also picks up method from module.

This one works as expected:

def foo



=> nil

This one does not:

module Foo

def foo




include Foo

=> foo

This is surely an anomaly too, is it not?


PS: I could have continued from that thread but I’m not sure what the community preference here in regarding old, old thread.


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