Naturally, learning Ruby is helped by linking it to a game. In this case Traveller. Leads me to a question about when something should be an attribute of the primary class or a class in itself.
In the game you have a character. Characters have stats like Strength, Intelligence, etc. Also things like age, skills, etc. Characters can acquire things like vehicles, ships, and money. It makes sense to make a space ship be a different class.
In the game characters tend to join some career for sets of 4 years. These careers provide more skills, rank, decorations, etc. Much of the character's nature is defined by the career path they choose. For example, a character might have spent 4 terms (16 years) in the Imperial Navy and earned a rank, learned several skills, attended specialty schools, and earned medals for valor. Each career path has a structure similar to the other careers but the class attributes would vary from career to career. A Navy rank would be different than an Army rank.
So the question is, should the career and subsumed attributes be a part of the character class or a class unto itself?