Online browsable ruby source tree

Hi, I'm looking about for a browsable online version of Ruby's source code, but I've not found one. Anyone come across such a thing?

Specifically, I want to look at the files in "ext/dl/doc/" that are referenced in many places, but don't seem to be obviously available online. I've downloaded the source and I'll look in there, but it seems a bit silly to need to do that.

  Benjohn (newly minted, may not be linked widely yet)



On 1/8/07, Benjohn Barnes <> wrote:

Hi, I'm looking about for a browsable online version of Ruby's source
code, but I've not found one. Anyone come across such a thing?

Hi, I'm looking about for a browsable online version of Ruby's source
code, but I've not found one. Anyone come across such a thing? (newly minted, may not be linked widely yet)

That's marvellous, thank you.

:slight_smile: Having looked in the "ext/dl" folder though, it no longer has a "doc" sub folder. Perhaps the content has been moved in line? For anyone after the same info as me, and for the archives, here's the type specifier section of the DL documentation:

== Type specifiers

the prototype consists of the following type specifiers, first element of
prototype represents the type of return value, and remaining elements represent
the type of each argument.

    C : char
    c : char *
    H : short
    h : short *
    I : int
    i : int *
    L : long
    l : long *
    F : float
    f : float *
    D : double
    d : double *
    S : const char *
    s : char *
    A : const type
    a : type (allocates new memory space)
    P : void * (same as 'p')
    p : void * (same as 'P')
    0 : void function (this must be a first character of the prototype)

the cbtype consists of type specifiers 0, C, I, H, L, F, D, S and P.
for example:

      str1 = ptr1.ptr.to_s
      str2 = ptr2.ptr.to_s
      str1 <=> str2



On 8 Jan 2007, at 22:27, Nick Sieger wrote:

On 1/8/07, Benjohn Barnes <> wrote: