Sample of .csv file:
["Issue,Risk/Opportunity,Compliance,Consequence,Current Status,Due
["1,Efficiency (Energy),No
["Action,Cost,Status,Due Date,Responsibility,"]
["1.a,Maximise use of natural lighting,Active,"]
["1.b,Turn-off unnecessary lights/equipment,Active,"]
["1.c,Install energy efficient lighting,Active,"]
["1.d,Turn-off unnecessary air conditioning,Active,"]
Using the following code:
f ="ActionPlan.csv", "r")
f.each_line { |line|
fields = line.split(',')
Anyone knows how to use ruby code to obtain the following data(question)
from the file?
- Maximise use of natural lighting
- Turn-off unnecessary lights/equipment
I only know how to obtain data from the first two lines using the
following code:
p.issue = fields[0].tr_s('"', '').strip
p.blank = fields[1].tr_s('"', '').strip
p.risk_opportunity = fields[2].tr_s('"', '').strip
p.compliance = fields[3].tr_s('"', '').strip
p.consequence = fields[4].tr_s('"', '').strip
p.current_status = fields[5].tr_s('"', '').strip
p.due_date = fields[6].tr_s('"', '').strip
p.priority = fields[7].tr_s('"', '').strip
p.responsibility = fields[8].tr_s('"', '').strip
p.probability = fields[9].tr_s('"', '').strip
But dont know how to obtain the rest of the data. Any help would be
great. Thanks in advance
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