ObjectSpace::_id2ref and GC

say i'm doing something like this

   class << self

     def attribute(*list)


       list.each do |arg|
         @attrbiutes ||=
         @do_not_gc ||=

         list.flatten.each do |arg|
           arg, default =
             case arg
               when Hash
                 [arg, nil]

           @do_not_gc << default unless @do_not_gc.include? default

           unless instance_methods.include? "#{ arg }"
             module_eval <<-code
               def #{ arg }(*a)
                 unless defined? @#{ arg }
                   @#{ arg } = ObjectSpace::_id2ref #{ default.object_id }
                 if a.empty?
                   @#{ arg }
                   send('#{ arg }=', *a)
               def #{ arg }=(val, *a)
                 if a.empty?
                   @#{ arg } = val
                   @#{ arg } = ([val] + a)
               def #{ arg }?
                 defined? @#{ arg } and @#{ arg }

           @attributes << "#{ arg }"



which allows niceness such as

   class C
     attribute 'foo' => 42

is the @do_not_gc required? it seems like doing something like

   id = object.object_id

and then later

   value = ObjectSpace::_id2ref id

one is gambling that the original object has not been gc'd and that the id
still points to the same object. is this accurate?





email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
phone :: 303.497.6469
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
--Tenzin Gyatso



it seems like doing something like

  id = object.object_id

and then later

  value = ObjectSpace::_id2ref id

one is gambling that the original object has not been gc'd and that the id
still points to the same object. is this accurate?

I'm sorry I'm not sure I get what you meant. You call

   id = object.object_id

and then later

   value = ObjectSpace::_id2ref id

the original object may or may not be reclaimed. There's no
guarantee. Unless you check reclamation by finalizer (as in
weakref.rb), you can't tell whether value is the original object or
a recycled object.



In message "Re: ObjectSpace::_id2ref and GC" on Tue, 7 Jun 2005 03:04:24 +0900, "Ara.T.Howard" <Ara.T.Howard@noaa.gov> writes:

exactly what i wanted to know!




On Tue, 7 Jun 2005, Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:


In message "Re: ObjectSpace::_id2ref and GC" > on Tue, 7 Jun 2005 03:04:24 +0900, "Ara.T.Howard" <Ara.T.Howard@noaa.gov> writes:

>it seems like doing something like
> id = object.object_id
>and then later
> value = ObjectSpace::_id2ref id
>one is gambling that the original object has not been gc'd and that the id
>still points to the same object. is this accurate?

I'm sorry I'm not sure I get what you meant. You call

  id = object.object_id

and then later

  value = ObjectSpace::_id2ref id

the original object may or may not be reclaimed. There's no
guarantee. Unless you check reclamation by finalizer (as in
weakref.rb), you can't tell whether value is the original object or
a recycled object.


email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
phone :: 303.497.6469
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
--Tenzin Gyatso
