Object#inspect's output


I want to understand thoroughly how singleton objects are
implemented. I try this:

  class C ; end

  puts C.inspect # => C
  puts class <<C ; self ; end.inspect # => #<Class:C>

Can someone give me a hint what's the difference between the
both objects inspected? Thanks very much in advance.



Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

Bertram Scharpf wrote:


I want to understand thoroughly how singleton objects are
implemented. I try this:

  class C ; end

  puts C.inspect # => C
  puts class <<C ; self ; end.inspect # => #<Class:C>

Can someone give me a hint what's the difference between the
both objects inspected? Thanks very much in advance.

The second object is the metaclass of C. There's a good explanation of metaclasses in the PickAxe book.


Bertram Scharpf wrote:
>I want to understand thoroughly how singleton objects are
>implemented. I try this:
> class C ; end
> puts C.inspect # => C
> puts class <<C ; self ; end.inspect # => #<Class:C>

The second object is the metaclass of C. There's a good explanation of
metaclasses in the PickAxe book.

Ah, I see.

  class C ; def self.clsmeth() end end
    # => nil
  class <<C ; self ; end.instance_methods - Class.methods
    # => ["clsmeth"]




Am Donnerstag, 10. Mär 2005, 03:10:57 +0900 schrieb Joel VanderWerf:

Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany