I just took a program that works using a command line argument and turned it
into a class so that I could require it from . Anyway, I was just wondering
how you would pass somethign to it now as an argument.
if the syntax of the original program was 'ruby program.rb Jason' and the
program did stuff with 'Jason', how would I go about making another program
(a GUI for example) pass along information into that program as an
argument? I can't seem to get this to work. I've tried variants of the
psuedo code (saved as program2.rb):
'require program.rb'
b = 'Jason'
a = ClassNameInProgram.new(b)
a = ClassNameInProgram.new {b}
a = ClassNameInProgram.new b
If I run 'ruby program2.rb Jason', I get the same output as if I'd run '
program.rb Jason'. What am I not doing correctly? Hopefully I've explained
this adequately and hopefully I'm not being incredibly stupid.
1. if you have
class ClassName...
def initialize
turn it into
class ClassName....
def initialize(*argv)
class ClassName....
def initialize(arg0, arg1, arg2)
2. you can have both varieties:
do the above changes and
at the very end of the file put the following:
if __FILE__ == $0
On 12/22/06, Jason Mayer <slamboy@gmail.com> wrote:
I just took a program that works using a command line argument and turned it
into a class so that I could require it from . Anyway, I was just wondering
how you would pass somethign to it now as an argument.
if the syntax of the original program was 'ruby program.rb Jason' and the
program did stuff with 'Jason', how would I go about making another program
(a GUI for example) pass along information into that program as an
argument? I can't seem to get this to work. I've tried variants of the
psuedo code (saved as program2.rb):
'require program.rb'
b = 'Jason'
a = ClassNameInProgram.new(b)
a = ClassNameInProgram.new {b}
a = ClassNameInProgram.new b
If I run 'ruby program2.rb Jason', I get the same output as if I'd run '
program.rb Jason'. What am I not doing correctly? Hopefully I've explained
this adequately and hopefully I'm not being incredibly stupid.
A bit safer way is to write
if File.expand(__FILE__) == File.expand($0)
to handle program.rb vs ./program.rb cases
*ARGV "expands" the ARGV array as the actual parameters to new.
I.e. it is the same as calling new(ARGV[0], ARGV[1],...) It's a handy trick,
that can be used in case statements as well. (arr = [1,2,3], ... when *arr)
3. In the case of wrapping a script I usually split the code into
initialization (new/initialize) and actual processing