Not sure what is wrong. seems to look right to me

class ReportBuilder

def getStats(symbolObjColl)
        #### add a loop to count thro symbolcollection.

        if (countExch.has_key?(



        puts countExch.to_s



I get the folliwng error.
1) Error:
NameError: undefined local variable or method `countExch' for
I am not sure what is wrong.


Instance variables are prefixed with an @ symbol. I would guess that you
want countExch to be an instance variable. Also, I think the declaration
might need to go in the initialize method.

Someone who is more experienced w/ Ruby please give a more accurate and/or
complete answer.


class ReportBuilder
def initialize

def getStats(symbolObjColl)
       #### add a loop to count thro symbolcollection.

       if (@countExch.has_key?(



       puts @countExch.to_s




Ben Atkin
(928) 380-0656

Ben Atkin wrote:

Instance variables are prefixed with an @ symbol. I would guess that you
want countExch to be an instance variable. Also, I think the declaration
might need to go in the initialize method.

Someone who is more experienced w/ Ruby please give a more accurate and/or
complete answer.

Basically right.

I'll point out that "camelCase" is not usually our style. We're more likely to say "count_exch" -- of course, Ruby itself doesn't care.

I'm not sure what the code is doing really. But these statements
are very confusing at the least:


The first is the same as saying:

   @countExch[] += 1

if I'm not mistaken. And the second is more clearly represented as

   startCounter += 1
   @countExch[] = startCounter

But maybe you want to use each_with_index instead of each, and you
won't have to manually keep a counter.

What exactly is this all about?
