Hi all,
I am new to Ruby as well as FXRuby.
When I tried to dig in, I wrote the next small program (which I derived from
the FXRuby user's guide).
require 'fox14'
include Fox
theApp = FXApp.new
theMainWindow = FXMainWindow.new(theApp,
inField = FXTextField.new(theMainWindow,40,nil,0,TEXTFIELD_NORMAL,40,40)
outField = FXTextField.new(theMainWindow,40,nil,0,TEXTFIELD_NORMAL,40,80)
theButton = FXButton.new(theMainWindow, "Hello,
theButton.tipText = "Push Me!"
theButton.connect(SEL_COMMAND) do
outField.text = inField.text
My first problem is:
I use a X and Y coordinate for the 2 textfields and the button, but they
seem to be ignored. Why?
Second problem:
the second parameter for FXTextField.new seems to determine the width of
the field; however, there is also a separate width parameter,
which doesn't seem to work.What is the difference and how should I use
Third (question):
the FXRuby user's guide does some introductory stuff, but then leaves
all the rest to the programmer. Is there a better, more consistent
introductory document available?
Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
Arie van Wingerden
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