I have tab delimited files that I want to parse and generate statistics
with. I can parse the file into an array using IO.readlines but don't
know what good that does for sorting, and the other path I was following
was this.
class MyNewClass
File.open("/home/user/testdata") do |openfile|
openfile.each do |iterationshere|
status, keyword, location, state, zip, date, resultcount,
searchcount = iterationshere.chomp.split(/\t+/)
puts "keyword: #{keyword} status: #{status}, location: #{location},
state: #{state}, zip: #{zip}, date: #{date}, resultcount:
#{resultcount}, searchcount :#{searchcount}"
This obviously gos through the file line by line and splits on the tab
character and assigns the the variables status keyword etc then prints
that line.
But how do I put those into a hash and sort on the fields. Eventually I
will need this to go into a database, but I want to take this one step
at a time.
Thanks for helping this newbie. I have been using Perl for a while
(still consider myself newbie with it), but have decided to get more
into web development using the Rails framework and noticed Ruby had
regexp support built in. WOOT.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.