Hi sir Daniel (aka Daniel Carrera [mailto:dcarrera@math.umd.edu]):
You asked last Sunday, December 08, 2002 3:55 AM:
I need an opinion for my tutorial. I’m trying to figure out
the easiest way to teach if statements. I don’t know if I
should teach them with the “then” part or not.if cond then
if cond
endOn the one hand, “then” makes it sound more like English. On
the other, it’s one more thing the student feels (s)he has to
remember.Any opinions?
I am a ruby newbie but I’ve taught newbie children too (but not ruby).
The hurdle is actually explaining the if-end block. Once you get pass that,
you just then say “actually you can put a ‘then’, but that is not necessary
since the ‘computer’ knows what you’re trying to mean… then pause to let
the student think :-))”. Btw, you do have to mention the “then” part to the
student, since (un)conciously you’ll notice that you always state the “then”
word to the student while explaining if-structures…
kind regards,