Newbie Question

Help I am completely new to ruby and to OO programming. Why-does my code not compile??

class Quadratic

    def findroots()
        b = (ARGV[0])
        c = (ARGV[1])
        $stdout.print("You entered " , ARGV[1], ARGV[0], "\n")
        discriminant = b * b - 4.0 * c
        sqroot = Math.sqrt(discriminant)

        root1 = (-b + sqroot) / 2.0
        root2 = (-b - sqroot) / 2.0



if __FILE__ == $0
        qf =

Help I am completely new to ruby and to OO programming. Why-does my code
not compile??

class Quadratic

    def findroots()
        b = (ARGV[0])
        c = (ARGV[1])
        $stdout.print("You entered " , ARGV[1], ARGV[0], "\n")
        discriminant = b * b - 4.0 * c
        sqroot = Math.sqrt(discriminant)

        root1 = (-b + sqroot) / 2.0
        root2 = (-b - sqroot) / 2.0



if __FILE__ == $0
        qf =


First, please, next time post the exact error message. You'll save
people that want to help you some investigation.

If the folowing message is similar to your error:
W:/var/x.rb:7:in `*': can't convert String into Integer (TypeError)
  from W:/var/x.rb:7:in `findroots'
  from W:/var/x.rb:21

then you're trying to multiply numbers by strings.

        b = (ARGV[0])
        c = (ARGV[1])

         b = ARGV[0].to_f
         c = ARGV[1].to_f
to_f will convert string to float. For more info, read the docs of
String#to_f and possibly the whole String class
(e.g. using RI or\)

If the message is different, please post it and will see.



On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Christian Rubio <> wrote:

Jano Svitok wrote:


Help I am completely new to ruby and to OO programming. Why-does my code
not compile??


        b = (ARGV[0])
        c = (ARGV[1])

         b = ARGV[0].to_f
         c = ARGV[1].to_f
to_f will convert string to float. For more info, read the docs of
String#to_f and possibly the whole String class
(e.g. using RI or\)

If the message is different, please post it and will see.


Hi Thanks for your help and directions. I made the above substitutions and now I get the following error

% ruby quadratic.rb 1.0 1.0
You entered 1.0 1.0
quadratic.rb:17:in `sqrt': Numerical argument out of domain - sqrt (Errno::EDOM)
        from quadratic.rb:17:in `findroots'
        from quadratic.rb:30
Here is my program,

#!/usr/bin/env ruby


On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Christian Rubio > <> wrote:

## program that solve quadratic equation

class Quadratic

    def findroots()
        b = (ARGV[0].to_f)
        c = (ARGV[1].to_f)
        $stdout.print("You entered " , ARGV[1]," ", ARGV[0], "\n")
        discriminant = b * b - 4.0 * c
        sqroot = Math.sqrt(discriminant)

        root1 = (-b + sqroot) / 2.0
        root2 = (-b - sqroot) / 2.0



if __FILE__ == $0
        qf =

That means you passed a number that has no real square root, for example -1.
Refresh your high school math and check the discriminant before you
call Math.sqrt :wink:
Otherwise, require 'complex' :wink:



On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 3:53 PM, Christian Rubio <> wrote:

Jano Svitok wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Christian Rubio > > <> wrote:
>> Help I am completely new to ruby and to OO programming. Why-does my code
>> not compile??

> Replace
>> b = (ARGV[0])
>> c = (ARGV[1])
> by
> b = ARGV[0].to_f
> c = ARGV[1].to_f
> to_f will convert string to float. For more info, read the docs of
> String#to_f and possibly the whole String class
> (e.g. using RI or\)
> If the message is different, please post it and will see.
> Jano
Hi Thanks for your help and directions. I made the above substitutions
and now I get the following error

% ruby quadratic.rb 1.0 1.0
You entered 1.0 1.0
quadratic.rb:17:in `sqrt': Numerical argument out of domain - sqrt
        from quadratic.rb:17:in `findroots'
        from quadratic.rb:30

Christian Rubio wrote:

quadratic.rb:17:in `sqrt': Numerical argument out of domain - sqrt
from quadratic.rb:17:in `findroots'
from quadratic.rb:30

This means that your argument to sqrt is negative.
What values for b and c did you supply?



NP: Anathema - Cries On The Wind
ICQ: 205544826

Sebastian Hungerecker wrote:

Christian Rubio wrote:

quadratic.rb:17:in `sqrt': Numerical argument out of domain - sqrt
        from quadratic.rb:17:in `findroots'
        from quadratic.rb:30
This means that your argument to sqrt is negative.
What values for b and c did you supply?


Thanks all for your replies. The input was invalid. I need to check for legal input.
But I am new and just learning. Still trying to figure out whats going on here.
The docs are hard to understand. So I am programming very basically.

Thanks so much