First thing's first - if there's a newbie forum where a question like
this would be more appropriate, somebody please point it out to me.
I'm new to Ruby, and I'm trying to pick it up specifically for Watir
testing. I've installed Ruby from the One Click Installer for Windows
three times now, but I keep running into the same issue, so at this
point I figure it must be operator error. The versions I've used so far
Here's the issue I keep running into:
irb(main):001:0> 1..10.each { |x| puts x }
NoMethodError: undefined method 'each' for 10:Fixnum
from (irb):1
Why do I keep getting a NoMethodError when I try to use the each()
method on a number?
First thing's first - if there's a newbie forum where a question like
this would be more appropriate, somebody please point it out to me.
I'm new to Ruby, and I'm trying to pick it up specifically for Watir
testing. I've installed Ruby from the One Click Installer for Windows
three times now, but I keep running into the same issue, so at this
point I figure it must be operator error. The versions I've used so far
Here's the issue I keep running into:
irb(main):001:0> 1..10.each { |x| puts x }
NoMethodError: undefined method 'each' for 10:Fixnum
from (irb):1
Why do I keep getting a NoMethodError when I try to use the each()
method on a number?
#each generally applies to collection of things, so you don't use it on a single number. I think what you want is
(1..10).each {|x| puts x}
By surrounding the range 1..10 with parentheses you're telling Ruby that you want the #each method for the range 1..10, not for the single number 10.
Because numbers (Fixnums) do not implement the each method as numbers are
not collections - ranges do, though. To call the method on the range instead
of the last Fixnum that forms the range, enclose it in parantheses:
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Dale Smith
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 2:29 PM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Newbie question
First thing's first - if there's a newbie forum where a question like
this would be more appropriate, somebody please point it out to me.
I'm new to Ruby, and I'm trying to pick it up specifically for Watir
testing. I've installed Ruby from the One Click Installer for Windows
three times now, but I keep running into the same issue, so at this
point I figure it must be operator error. The versions I've
used so far
Here's the issue I keep running into:
irb(main):001:0> 1..10.each { |x| puts x }
NoMethodError: undefined method 'each' for 10:Fixnum
from (irb):1
Why do I keep getting a NoMethodError when I try to use the each()
method on a number?
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