Newbie Question

Hi guys, im trying an script that use Mongrel and Erubis, i just
installed the gems with
gem install mongrel
gem install erubis

The installation went fine, without any error but everytime i try to
run the script i get this message error,

`require': no such file to load -- erubis (LoadError)

It's obvious that the script is not finding the previously installed
gem, im using Ubuntu i installed rails using the .deb package in the
repository and it works fine too, when i checked where was rails
installed it is in the same path where rubygem installed the gems.

So i really don't know where to check. Can somebody assist me with this.



Grimoire Guru
SourceMage GNU/Linux


Hi guys, im trying an script that use Mongrel and Erubis, i just
installed the gems with
gem install mongrel
gem install erubis

The installation went fine, without any error but everytime i try to
run the script i get this message error,

`require': no such file to load -- erubis (LoadError)

I think you likely are not telling Ruby that you are using gems. Either define the environment variable:

export RUBYOPT=-rubygems

(for bash, some shells do this differently)

in your shell, or add '-rubygems' to the command line when starting ruby.

There might be other ways, but I don't know them.

You can test this by running irb and trying to require erubis.



On 8-Jun-07, at 11:22 AM, Rafael George wrote:

It's obvious that the script is not finding the previously installed
gem, im using Ubuntu i installed rails using the .deb package in the
repository and it works fine too, when i checked where was rails
installed it is in the same path where rubygem installed the gems.

So i really don't know where to check. Can somebody assist me with this.


Grimoire Guru
SourceMage GNU/Linux

Bob Hutchison -- tumblelog at <;
Recursive Design Inc. -- weblog at <

                                -- works at <;



On 6/8/07, Bob Hutchison <> wrote:


On 8-Jun-07, at 11:22 AM, Rafael George wrote:

> Hi guys, im trying an script that use Mongrel and Erubis, i just
> installed the gems with
> gem install mongrel
> gem install erubis
> The installation went fine, without any error but everytime i try to
> run the script i get this message error,
> `require': no such file to load -- erubis (LoadError)

I think you likely are not telling Ruby that you are using gems.
Either define the environment variable:

export RUBYOPT=-rubygems

(for bash, some shells do this differently)

in your shell, or add '-rubygems' to the command line when starting

There might be other ways, but I don't know them.

You can test this by running irb and trying to require erubis.


> It's obvious that the script is not finding the previously installed
> gem, im using Ubuntu i installed rails using the .deb package in the
> repository and it works fine too, when i checked where was rails
> installed it is in the same path where rubygem installed the gems.
> So i really don't know where to check. Can somebody assist me with
> this.
> Thanks
> --
> Grimoire Guru
> SourceMage GNU/Linux

Bob Hutchison -- tumblelog at <http://>
Recursive Design Inc. -- weblog at <
                                -- works at <;

Grimoire Guru
SourceMage GNU/Linux

I think you likely are not telling Ruby that you are using gems.
Either define the environment variable:

export RUBYOPT=-rubygems

(for bash, some shells do this differently)

in your shell, or add '-rubygems' to the command line when starting

There might be other ways, but I don't know them.

You can test this by running irb and trying to require erubis.

you can also just
require 'rubygems'


Chris Carter