David N. Springer Phone: (715) 830-1200 Ext. 126
Silicon Logic Engineering, Inc. FAX: (715) 830-1887
7 South Dewey Street, Suite 1 Mailto:springer@siliconlogic.com
Eau Claire, WI 54701 Web: http://www.siliconlogic.com
(blushing) I don't understand ... I was using SciTe, and I couldn't
get it to work. But now it works.
Sorry for the wasted time on your part. And thanks!
Jamis Buck <jgb3@email.byu.edu> wrote in message news:<41A128B9.5000206@email.byu.edu>...
Gene Kahn wrote:
> Hello,
> Because of the embedded single quote, this statement does not work.
> %w[it's you're they're]
> Escaping it with the backslash does not work either:
> %w[it\'s you\'re they\'re]
> How do I escape the single quote and other special characters in this instance?
> Thanks!
> gk
> .
Maybe I don't understand what you mean by "does not work":
irb(main):002:0> %w[it's you they're]
=> ["it's", "you", "they're"]