I am rather new to Ruby and I want to write a program to play around
with email. I can connect to my chosen pop3 server and iterate through
the mail relatively easily. But my question is how to I parse out the
mail? How do I access the From, Subject, and body? Are there any easy
way's to do this in Ruby without adding lots of new programming
libraries (I found a couple that would make this really easy, but I
don't want to drain my bank account by spending money on them), but I
can't figure out how to do this in straight Ruby...
Do I have to parse out the entire message, or are there easy commands
in the normal net/pop3 library?
On Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 10:05:06AM +0900, furby wrote:
I am rather new to Ruby and I want to write a program to play around
with email. I can connect to my chosen pop3 server and iterate through
the mail relatively easily. But my question is how to I parse out the
mail? How do I access the From, Subject, and body? Are there any easy
way's to do this in Ruby without adding lots of new programming
libraries (I found a couple that would make this really easy, but I
don't want to drain my bank account by spending money on them), but I
can't figure out how to do this in straight Ruby...
Do I have to parse out the entire message, or are there easy commands
in the normal net/pop3 library?
"Wanting to feel; to know what is real. Living is a lie." -- Purpoise
Song, by The Monkees.
This is mostly pure speculation based on prior knowledge that hasn't been tested. But, try this:
require 'net/pop'
Net::POP3.start('pop.example.com', 110,
'YourAccount', 'YourPassword') do |pop|
if pop.mails.empty?
puts 'No mail.'
i = 0
pop.each_mail do |m| # or "pop.mails.each ..." /^From: (.*?)$/.match(m.pop) # <---
puts $1
puts "#{pop.mails.size} mails popped."
Everything that isn't by the # <--- is taken from the net/pop docs.
furby wrote:
I am rather new to Ruby and I want to write a program to play around
with email. I can connect to my chosen pop3 server and iterate through
the mail relatively easily. But my question is how to I parse out the
mail? How do I access the From, Subject, and body? Are there any easy
way's to do this in Ruby without adding lots of new programming
libraries (I found a couple that would make this really easy, but I
don't want to drain my bank account by spending money on them), but I
can't figure out how to do this in straight Ruby...
Do I have to parse out the entire message, or are there easy commands
in the normal net/pop3 library?