Hello All. Sorry if this is obvious, but I have looked over the list
(and pickax) and not been able to solve it.
I am trying to iterate over a collection of objects, calling a method
defined within each object.
I have a class Card, with a method 'show' defined.
I then create an array of these Card objects. For example:
hand = Array.new
ace = Card.new( some_parameters )
hand[0] = ace
hand.push(Card.new( some_other_parameters))
ace.show #works:
=>"Card: A of Spades
hand[0].show # works, calls the 'show' method, executed for the first
'card', the ace:
=>"Card: A of Spades"
hand.each {|c| c.show} # dosn't produces the following, which looks to me like a dump of the array:
=>[#<Card:0x2647f8 @face="Up", @value=12, @suit="s">, #<Card:0x20e3e4
@face="Up", @value=0, @suit="d">]
I fear I am misunderstanding something fundamental here, as I thought
the block parameter c should get each element of the array in turn, and,
each element being an object, I could call the methods associated with
that object.
Thanks for any insight,
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.