Newbie: Looking for help rounding numbers

I can't figure out how to round my answer from this short code that I
wrote. I was trying to use both 'format' and 'round' with no luck...

Thank you all in advance!!!

puts "Fahrenheit to Centigrade Conversion"
puts "-----------------------------------"

puts "Input a temperature in Fahrenheit: "
ftemp = gets.chomp.to_f

ctemp = ( (ftemp - 32) / 1.8 )
format( "%.2f", ctemp )

puts ""
puts ftemp.to_s + " F is " + ctemp.to_s + " C."
puts ""


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puts ftemp.to_s + " F is " + ctemp.round.to_s + " C."

Fahrenheit to Centigrade Conversion


On 12/28/06, Ja Bo <> wrote:

I can't figure out how to round my answer from this short code that I
wrote. I was trying to use both 'format' and 'round' with no luck...

Thank you all in advance!!!

puts "Fahrenheit to Centigrade Conversion"
puts "-----------------------------------"

puts "Input a temperature in Fahrenheit: "
ftemp = gets.chomp.to_f

ctemp = ( (ftemp - 32) / 1.8 )
format( "%.2f", ctemp )

puts ""
puts ftemp.to_s + " F is " + ctemp.to_s + " C."
puts ""

Posted via\.

I don't see what's wrong with round.

Input a temperature in Fahrenheit:
0.0 F is -18 C.

Ja Bo wrote:

I can't figure out how to round my answer from this short code that I
wrote. I was trying to use both 'format' and 'round' with no luck...

Fahrenheit to Centigrade Conversion


Input a temperature in Fahrenheit:

ftemp = gets.chomp.to_f
ctemp = ( (ftemp - 32) / 1.8 )

puts "", "#{ftemp} F is #{ctemp.round} C."
puts "#{ftemp} F is %d C." % ctemp
puts "#{ftemp} F is %.2f C." % ctemp

rounded_ctemp = format( "%.2f", ctemp )
puts "#{ftemp} F is #{rounded_ctemp} C."

Thank you very much for the help!


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Phrogz wrote:

Ja Bo wrote:
> I can't figure out how to round my answer from this short code that I
> wrote. I was trying to use both 'format' and 'round' with no luck...

Fahrenheit to Centigrade Conversion
Input a temperature in Fahrenheit:

ftemp = gets.chomp.to_f
ctemp = ( (ftemp - 32) / 1.8 )

puts "", "#{ftemp} F is #{ctemp.round} C."
puts "#{ftemp} F is %d C." % ctemp
puts "#{ftemp} F is %.2f C." % ctemp

rounded_ctemp = format( "%.2f", ctemp )
puts "#{ftemp} F is #{rounded_ctemp} C."

puts "Fahrenheit to Centigrade Conversion


Input a temperature in Fahrenheit:"


ftemp = gets.to_f
ctemp = (ftemp - 32) / 1.8

rounded_ctemp = format( "%.2f", ctemp )
puts "",
     "#{ftemp} F is #{ctemp.round} C.",
     "#{ftemp} F is #{ctemp.floor} C.",
     "#{ftemp} F is %.2f C." % ctemp,
     "#{ftemp} F is #{rounded_ctemp} C."

William James wrote:

Cleaner style yet. Nice.
Cheeky monkey. :slight_smile: