i'm having some difficulty in writing a method that takes a number of
seconds, and returns the equivalent in hours, days, or weeks depending on
which time unit is most appropriate.
the part that's not working is that i want the code to know if it should use
a plural or not, so for it to return "day" if there is only one, and "days"
if there are more, for example. except at the moment it's making everything
a plural!
this is the code, apologies if it is offensive to the eye:
def format_time seconds
hours = (seconds / (60 * 60))
plural = "s" if hours.to_i > 1
time = "#{hours.to_i} hour#{plural}"
if hours > 23
days = hours / 24
plural = "s" if days.to_i > 1
time = "#{days.to_i} day#{plural}"
if days > 30
weeks = days / 7
plural = "s" if weeks.to_i > 1
time = "#{weeks.to_i} week#{plural}"
and i've got a suspicion some of this would be better with the use of
'yield' and blocks, except i've thoroughly messed those up as well!
The way I did this once was to have two arrays, one containing factors and the other containing corresponding unit names. That way the transformation really becomes a loop - and it's easy to adapt. For example, you can have another array with unit names for amount of 1. Or you create a hash from amont to unit names with a default for multiple thus giving you even more flexibility.
Kind regards
luke <lduncalfe@eml.nope> wrote:
i'm having some difficulty in writing a method that takes a number of
seconds, and returns the equivalent in hours, days, or weeks
depending on which time unit is most appropriate.
the part that's not working is that i want the code to know if it
should use a plural or not, so for it to return "day" if there is
only one, and "days" if there are more, for example. except at the
moment it's making everything a plural!
this is the code, apologies if it is offensive to the eye:
def format_time seconds
hours = (seconds / (60 * 60))
plural = "s" if hours.to_i > 1
time = "#{hours.to_i} hour#{plural}"
if hours > 23
days = hours / 24
plural = "s" if days.to_i > 1
time = "#{days.to_i} day#{plural}"
if days > 30
weeks = days / 7
plural = "s" if weeks.to_i > 1
time = "#{weeks.to_i} week#{plural}"
and i've got a suspicion some of this would be better with the use of
'yield' and blocks, except i've thoroughly messed those up as well!
[...] at the moment it's making everything a plural!
def format_time seconds
hours = (seconds / (60 * 60))
plural = "s" if hours.to_i > 1
time = "#{hours.to_i} hour#{plural}"
if hours > 23
days = hours / 24
plural = "s" if days.to_i > 1
time = "#{days.to_i} day#{plural}"
if days > 30
weeks = days / 7
plural = "s" if weeks.to_i > 1
time = "#{weeks.to_i} week#{plural}"
any help would be much appreciated.
The reason you're getting plural is that
"plural" is only set to 's', never ''.
Here's one way which is probably similar to the way
Robert was describing.
(Haven't checked it rigorously
def format_time(seconds)
arr = [ ['second', [3600] ],
['hour', [24] ],
['day', [31, 7] ],
['week', nil ],
t = seconds
aix = 0
while (lim = arr[aix][1])
## ternary operator cond ? true : false
(t >= lim[0]) ? t /= lim[-1] : break
aix += 1
## % is a method of the String class (like sprintf)
'%4d %s%s' % [t, arr[aix][0], (t == 1) ? '' : 's']
"daz" <dooby@d10.karoo.co.uk> wrote in message
luke wrote:
> hi,
> [...] at the moment it's making everything a plural!
> def format_time seconds
> hours = (seconds / (60 * 60))
> plural = "s" if hours.to_i > 1
> time = "#{hours.to_i} hour#{plural}"
> if hours > 23
> days = hours / 24
> plural = "s" if days.to_i > 1
> time = "#{days.to_i} day#{plural}"
> if days > 30
> weeks = days / 7
> plural = "s" if weeks.to_i > 1
> time = "#{weeks.to_i} week#{plural}"
> end
> end
> time
> end
> [...]
> any help would be much appreciated.
The reason you're getting plural is that
"plural" is only set to 's', never ''.
Here's one way which is probably similar to the way
Robert was describing.
(Haven't checked it rigorously
def format_time(seconds)
arr = [ ['second', [3600] ],
['hour', [24] ],
['day', [31, 7] ],
['week', nil ],
t = seconds
aix = 0
while (lim = arr[aix][1])
## ternary operator cond ? true : false
(t >= lim[0]) ? t /= lim[-1] : break
aix += 1
## % is a method of the String class (like sprintf)
'%4d %s%s' % [t, arr[aix][0], (t == 1) ? '' : 's']