Newb CGI Question

So I thought I had CGI in Ruby figured out, but I'm stumped on the following:

I want use Ruby to dynamically serve an image. The image tag would
look like <img src="file.rb?id=200">, where 200 is the id for an

So here's what I have (I'm trading embarrassment for guidance):

require "cgi"
cgi ="html4")

Now, I'm pretty sure I'm not reading the file right, but what I seem
to be stuck on first is getting my MIME type right. When hitting the
CGI, I can't get Content-Type to come back as 'image/png'. It's always

Any tips?

Shouldn't that be

cgi.header("image/png") {'200.png');

Or something similar?



On Thu, Apr 21, 2005 at 04:54:24AM +0900, Michael Buffington wrote:

So I thought I had CGI in Ruby figured out, but I'm stumped on the following:

I want use Ruby to dynamically serve an image. The image tag would
look like <img src="file.rb?id=200">, where 200 is the id for an

So here's what I have (I'm trading embarrassment for guidance):

require "cgi"
cgi ="html4")

So I thought I had CGI in Ruby figured out, but I'm stumped on the

I want use Ruby to dynamically serve an image. The image tag would
look like <img src="file.rb?id=200">, where 200 is the id for an

So here's what I have (I'm trading embarrassment for guidance):

require "cgi"
cgi ="html4")

Now, I'm pretty sure I'm not reading the file right, but what I seem
to be stuck on first is getting my MIME type right. When hitting the
CGI, I can't get Content-Type to come back as 'image/png'. It's always

Any tips?

Try the following:

require "cgi"
cgi ="html4")
cgi.out('image/png') do"#{cgi['id']}.png")

You have to supply the content in a block passed to out. I also added the
necessary code to read the id and open that file.

Ryan Leavengood

require "cgi"
cgi ="html4")
cgi.out('image/png') do"#{cgi['id']}.png")

Still doesn't seem to nail it. Firefox reports the page as
'text/plain'. Hitting the URL directly doesn't pull the image, using
<img src=".."> produces a broken link. In Safari, it downloads

I'm not sure what CGI is doing behind the scenes with cgi.out. From
what I read in the docs, it seems like cgi.out is supposed to write
the header for you, but the header I'm getting is very sparse:

HTTP/1.x 200 OK
Connection: close
Server: lighttpd/1.3.13

I should at least see Content-Type: image/png in the header.

I also haven't ruled out lighttpd in this case, but it's much more
likely I'm doing something wrong, not lighttpd.


Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 19:20:41 GMT

I have found that you need to write the header manually, despite what
the docs say.

This snippet will save you a lot of hassle whilst developing under
CGI. It should trap errors and give a backtrace in the browser, as
well as indicate if you didn't send the header properly:

---- cgicroak.rb ----

require 'cgi'

class CGI
    def self.croak(*args)
        cgi =
        old_stdout = $stdout
        buffer = ''
        def buffer.write(s)
            self << s
        $stdout = buffer
            unless (buffer =~ /^Content-type:.*?\r?\n\r?\n/i)
                raise RuntimeError, "No header sent"
        rescue Exception => e
            print(cgi.header('type' => 'text/plain'))
            puts("#{e.class.to_s}: #{e.to_s}\n\n")
        $stdout = old_stdout

---- index.cgi ----


require 'croakcgi'

CGI.croak('html4') do |cgi|

    # Your requires go here


    # Your code


--- EOF ---


Oops - I referred to the file as both 'croakcgi' and 'cgicroak'.
Choose one or the other!

This is really great - seeing Ruby errors definitely makes things more clear.

So, to test this all out, here's what my "index.cgi" looks like:
#! /usr/bin/ruby
require 'cgicroak'

CGI.croak('html4') do |cgi|
  cgi.out("type" => "text/html") {"shizzle"}

This works as expected. The word shizzle makes it to the browser.

However, when I execute this:
#! /usr/bin/ruby
require 'cgicroak'

CGI.croak('html4') do |cgi|
  cgi.out("type" => "image/gif") {"image.gif")}

I get:
Error NameError: undefined method `length'

I get the same thing with:
#! /usr/bin/ruby
require 'cgicroak'

CGI.croak('html4') do |cgi|
  cgi.out("type" => "image/gif", "length" => File.size("image.gif"))

In either cases, if I use cgi.header instead of cgi.out, I get an error saying:
"No header sent"

Any ideas about what's going on?


On 4/20/05, Paul Battley <> wrote:

I have found that you need to write the header manually, despite what
the docs say.

This snippet will save you a lot of hassle whilst developing under
CGI. It should trap errors and give a backtrace in the browser, as
well as indicate if you didn't send the header properly:

---- cgicroak.rb ----

require 'cgi'

class CGI
    def self.croak(*args)
        cgi =
        old_stdout = $stdout
        buffer = ''
        def buffer.write(s)
            self << s
        $stdout = buffer
            unless (buffer =~ /^Content-type:.*?\r?\n\r?\n/i)
                raise RuntimeError, "No header sent"
        rescue Exception => e
            print(cgi.header('type' => 'text/plain'))
            puts("#{e.class.to_s}: #{e.to_s}\n\n")
        $stdout = old_stdout

---- index.cgi ----


require 'croakcgi'

CGI.croak('html4') do |cgi|

    # Your requires go here


    # Your code


--- EOF ---


Looks I've figure most of it. This sort of works:

#! /usr/bin/ruby

require 'cgicroak'

CGI.croak('html4') do |cgi|
  print(cgi.header("type" => "image/gif", "length" =>
File.size("image.gif"), "status" => "304"))"agent.gif")

Problem is, the server reports that it can't display the image due to
errors. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong when I actually read the image
file in?


On 4/20/05, Michael Buffington <> wrote:

This is really great - seeing Ruby errors definitely makes things more clear.

So, to test this all out, here's what my "index.cgi" looks like:
#! /usr/bin/ruby
require 'cgicroak'

CGI.croak('html4') do |cgi|
        cgi.out("type" => "text/html") {"shizzle"}

This works as expected. The word shizzle makes it to the browser.

However, when I execute this:
#! /usr/bin/ruby
require 'cgicroak'

CGI.croak('html4') do |cgi|
        cgi.out("type" => "image/gif") {"image.gif")}

I get:
Error NameError: undefined method `length'

I get the same thing with:
#! /usr/bin/ruby
require 'cgicroak'

CGI.croak('html4') do |cgi|
        cgi.out("type" => "image/gif", "length" => File.size("image.gif"))

In either cases, if I use cgi.header instead of cgi.out, I get an error saying:
"No header sent"

Any ideas about what's going on?

On 4/20/05, Paul Battley <> wrote:
> I have found that you need to write the header manually, despite what
> the docs say.
> This snippet will save you a lot of hassle whilst developing under
> CGI. It should trap errors and give a backtrace in the browser, as
> well as indicate if you didn't send the header properly:
> ---- cgicroak.rb ----
> require 'cgi'
> class CGI
> def self.croak(*args)
> cgi =
> old_stdout = $stdout
> buffer = ''
> def buffer.write(s)
> self << s
> end
> $stdout = buffer
> begin
> yield(cgi)
> unless (buffer =~ /^Content-type:.*?\r?\n\r?\n/i)
> raise RuntimeError, "No header sent"
> end
> rescue Exception => e
> buffer.replace('')
> print(cgi.header('type' => 'text/plain'))
> puts("Error\n\n")
> puts("#{e.class.to_s}: #{e.to_s}\n\n")
> puts(e.backtrace.join("\n"))
> end
> $stdout = old_stdout
> $stdout.write(buffer)
> end
> end
> ---- index.cgi ----
> #!/path/to/your/ruby
> require 'croakcgi'
> CGI.croak('html4') do |cgi|
> # Your requires go here
> print(cgi.header)
> # Your code
> end
> --- EOF ---
> Paul.

You are reading the data, but not actually sending it to the client.

+ print("agent.gif"))

I think that's the problem. You can also get rid of the 304 status;
it's not appropriate:

Finally, you are sending the length of a different file in the code
sample you gave.

You are reading the data, but not actually sending it to the client.

+ print("agent.gif"))

Adding print produces the same result - can't display the image due to errors.

I think that's the problem. You can also get rid of the 304 status;
it's not appropriate:
HTTP/1.1: Status Code Definitions

Fair enough - I added because when accessing the image directly, the
returned status was 304.

Interestingly, when I remove the 304, I get a broken image rather than
an error message.

Finally, you are sending the length of a different file in the code
sample you gave.

Woops. Email editing faux pas. The code is correct.


On 4/20/05, Paul Battley <> wrote:

I just ran up a similar example using a jpeg I had to hand (yes, it
really was called 'foo.jpeg'!).

require 'cgicroak'

CGI.croak do |cgi|
    print(cgi.header('type' => 'image/jpeg'))

It works, and displays the image, so the code seems all right. Do
check things like file permissions, though - it could be that it is
failing to read the image from disk. And, of course, check the image