Hi - sorry to belabour the point, but I would appreciate any help or
guidance that anyone could give relative to the preferred way of writing
Ruby code. Thanks to some help earlier in the week from ruby-talk and from
Kastner I now have two additional ways of achieving the same result. I am
attempting to grasp the concept objects as well as learning ruby. Which
syntax (or style) should I focus on, or does it not matter. From my limited
understanding Kastner's example would seem to be a cleaner use of objects,
(or am I missing the point). Thanks for any help.
while reply < 100000
reply = reply + 1
puts reply
if reply > 100
require_number 'Please enter a number less than 100: '
require_number 'Enter a number: '
Modified with input from Ruby-Talk
def require_number(prompt, max)
print prompt
reply = gets.to_i
if reply >= max then reply = require_number "Please enter a number
less than #{max}: ", max end
reply.upto(max) { |x| puts x }
require_number 'Please enter a number: ', 100000
def get_number(prompt = "")
print prompt
# ruby methods return the last value
def print_from_to(start, stop)
start.upto(stop) do |number|
puts number
loop do
number = get_number "Please enter a number less than #{MAX}: "
next if number >= MAX
print_from_to(number, MAX)
Hi - sorry to belabour the point, but I would appreciate any help or
guidance that anyone could give relative to the preferred way of writing
Ruby code. Thanks to some help earlier in the week from ruby-talk and from
Kastner I now have two additional ways of achieving the same result. I am
attempting to grasp the concept objects as well as learning ruby. Which
syntax (or style) should I focus on, or does it not matter. From my limited
understanding Kastner's example would seem to be a cleaner use of objects,
(or am I missing the point). Thanks for any help.
With further help from Kastner:
MAX = 100000
def get_number(prompt = "")
print prompt
# ruby methods return the last value
def print_from_to(start, stop)
start.upto(stop) do |number|
puts number
loop do
number = get_number "Please enter a number less than #{MAX}: "
next if number >= MAX
print_from_to(number, MAX)
As far as I can see you logic is: read user input until it is valid
and then print from input to MAX. I would remove the printing from
the loop because that is much cleaner.
Kind regards
2008/2/11, Ashley Wharton <ashleywnj@gmail.com>:
use.inject do |as, often| as.you_can - without end
I interpret Robert as saying that he prefers something like:
#! /usr/bin/env ruby -w
MAX = 100_000
def get_number(prompt = "")
print prompt
def print_from_to(start, stop)
start.upto(stop) { |number| puts number }
number = MAX
while number >= MAX
number = get_number "Please enter a number less than #{MAX}: "
print_from_to(number, MAX)
So do I.
Regards, Morton
On Feb 11, 2008, at 7:24 AM, Robert Klemme wrote:
2008/2/11, Ashley Wharton <ashleywnj@gmail.com>:
With further help from Kastner:
MAX = 100000
def get_number(prompt = "")
print prompt
# ruby methods return the last value
def print_from_to(start, stop)
start.upto(stop) do |number|
puts number
loop do
number = get_number "Please enter a number less than #{MAX}: "
next if number >= MAX
print_from_to(number, MAX)
As far as I can see you logic is: read user input until it is valid
and then print from input to MAX. I would remove the printing from
the loop because that is much cleaner.
On Feb 11, 2008 7:33 PM, Morton Goldberg <m_goldberg@ameritech.net> wrote:
On Feb 11, 2008, at 7:24 AM, Robert Klemme wrote:
> 2008/2/11, Ashley Wharton <ashleywnj@gmail.com>:
>> ...
>> With further help from Kastner:
>> MAX = 100000
>> def get_number(prompt = "")
>> print prompt
>> # ruby methods return the last value
>> gets.to_i
>> end
>> def print_from_to(start, stop)
>> start.upto(stop) do |number|
>> puts number
>> end
>> end
>> loop do
>> number = get_number "Please enter a number less than #{MAX}: "
>> next if number >= MAX
>> print_from_to(number, MAX)
>> break
>> end
> As far as I can see you logic is: read user input until it is valid
> and then print from input to MAX. I would remove the printing from
> the loop because that is much cleaner.
I interpret Robert as saying that he prefers something like:
#! /usr/bin/env ruby -w
MAX = 100_000
def get_number(prompt = "")
print prompt
def print_from_to(start, stop)
start.upto(stop) { |number| puts number }
number = MAX
while number >= MAX
number = get_number "Please enter a number less than #{MAX}: "
print_from_to(number, MAX)
> 2008/2/11, Ashley Wharton <ashleywnj@gmail.com>:
>> ...
>> With further help from Kastner:
>> MAX = 100000
>> def get_number(prompt = "")
>> print prompt
>> # ruby methods return the last value
>> gets.to_i
>> end
>> def print_from_to(start, stop)
>> start.upto(stop) do |number|
>> puts number
>> end
>> end
>> loop do
>> number = get_number "Please enter a number less than #{MAX}: "
>> next if number >= MAX
>> print_from_to(number, MAX)
>> break
>> end
> As far as I can see you logic is: read user input until it is valid
> and then print from input to MAX. I would remove the printing from
> the loop because that is much cleaner.
I interpret Robert as saying that he prefers something like:
#! /usr/bin/env ruby -w
MAX = 100_000
def get_number(prompt = "")
print prompt
def print_from_to(start, stop)
start.upto(stop) { |number| puts number }
number = MAX
while number >= MAX
number = get_number "Please enter a number less than #{MAX}: "
print_from_to(number, MAX)
So do I.
use.inject do |as, often| as.you_can - without end