I’ve just started Ruby a couple days ago (man this is cool). Coming from the
embedded world of Forth and C, being able to do some string parsing easily
is what I’m looking forward to. So, onto a couple questions that I can’t
seem to find the answers to:
welcome aboard.
Quickly, the “teach myself” project is a simple ARM assembler. I’ve done it
numerous times, and it is something I’m familiar and comfortable with (let
alone something I need ATM).
- How can a regexp get the longer of two possibilities that are ambiguous?
For example, I need to be able to strip out register names:
registers = ‘(r0|r1|r2|r3…|r10|r11|r12…)’
In the regular expression, how can I get it to find r10 or r11 instead of
stopping at r1? I get the same problem with opcode mnemonics (like B instead
of BX or BL).
you need to make a pattern that says “a register string is an ‘r’ followed by
one, or more, digits”. pattern matching is greedy by default, so that alone
will do it
irb(main):001:0> register_pat = /r\d+/o
=> /r\d+/
irb(main):002:0> “r1”[register_pat]
=> “r1”
irb(main):003:0> “r11”[register_pat]
=> “r11”
irb(main):004:0> “r111”[register_pat]
=> “r111”
however, pattern matching is trickier than it looks:
irb(main):005:0> “car_number1”[register_pat]
=> “r1”
you probably wan’t to say something like: “a register is the string ‘r’
followed by one, or more, digits, but when the whole thing is bounded by
non-word chars”
irb(main):007:0> “r1”[pat]
=> “r1”
irb(main):008:0> “carr1”[pat]
=> nil
in general, it’s best to always anchor patterns somehow.
- I don’t seem to understand the @ convensions for variable names. Is this
just a naming convension that people stick to (like name system names in
Lisp) but aren’t required?
I noticed that if I have a global variable:
x = 10
In some function:
def show_x print x end
This fails (unknown local x). But if I use @x in both cases it works just
fine. Can someone explain this to me? Also, what about @@ variables?
Likewise, is there @@@ or @@@@ ?
‘@’ means instance var - it’s OO speak for my var. eg:
~ > cat foo.rb
class Car
attr :model
def initialize model
@model = model
audi = Car.new ‘audi’
p audi.model
jag = Car.new ‘jaguar’
p jag.model
~ > ruby foo.rb
‘@@’ means class var. they could be thought of as ‘static storage on a class
hierachy basis’. eg:
~ > cat foo.rb
class Widget
@@total_widgets = 0
def Widget.n_widgets
attr :name
def initialize name
@name = name
@@total_widgets += 1
widgets =
42.times{|i| widgets << Widget.new(i) }
p widgets.size
p Widget.n_widgets
~ > ruby foo.rb
there are also, ‘class instance vars’, but that’s a longer story…
there is no @@@+
Thanks in advance.
no problem. you’ll find this (the pickaxe) most useful:
i use it, literally, every day. i always use the electronic copy, but bought
three and gave them away to support the authors - good to support them too, i
hear they are working on a new release…
On Tue, 13 Apr 2004, Jeff Massung wrote:
EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
ADDRESS :: E/GC2 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3328
URL :: Solar-Terrestrial Physics Data | NCEI
TRY :: for l in ruby perl;do $l -e “print "\x3a\x2d\x29\x0a"”;done