New Ruby questions

I’ve just started Ruby a couple days ago (man this is cool). Coming from
the embedded world of Forth and C, being able to do some string parsing
easily is what I’m looking forward to. So, onto a couple questions that I
can’t seem to find the answers to:

Quickly, the “teach myself” project is a simple ARM assembler. I’ve done
it numerous times, and it is something I’m familiar and comfortable with
(let alone something I need ATM).

  1. How can a regexp get the longer of two possibilities that are
    ambiguous? For example, I need to be able to strip out register names:

registers = ‘(r0|r1|r2|r3…|r10|r11|r12…)’

In the regular expression, how can I get it to find r10 or r11 instead of
stopping at r1? I get the same problem with opcode mnemonics (like B
instead of BX or BL).

  1. I don’t seem to understand the @ convensions for variable names. Is
    this just a naming convension that people stick to (like name system
    names in Lisp) but aren’t required?

I noticed that if I have a global variable:

x = 10

In some function:

def show_x
print x

This fails (unknown local x). But if I use @x in both cases it works just
fine. Can someone explain this to me? Also, what about @@ variables?
Likewise, is there @@@ or @@@@ ?

Thanks in advance.


Best regards,
Jeff jma[at]

The @ prefix marks an instance variable, which is global to the
instance of the class you’re in.

Ruby’s a very object-oriented language. If you don’t think you’re in an
class, then you’re scoped in the default top-level class. So your @x is
an instance variable for this top-level class.

@@ is a class variable, available to all instances of that class. It
will seem to work like @ in the top-level scope.

Check out for a much
better rundown of this stuff.


On 2004 Apr 13, at 17:14, Jeff Massung wrote:

I noticed that if I have a global variable:

x = 10

In some function:

def show_x
print x

This fails (unknown local x). But if I use @x in both cases it works
fine. Can someone explain this to me? Also, what about @@ variables?
Likewise, is there @@@ or @@@@ ?

Ryan “John” Platte
Custom services, NIKA Consulting

Jeff Massung wrote:

  1. How can a regexp get the longer of two possibilities that are
    ambiguous? For example, I need to be able to strip out register names:

registers = ‘(r0|r1|r2|r3…|r10|r11|r12…)’

In the regular expression, how can I get it to find r10 or r11 instead of
stopping at r1? I get the same problem with opcode mnemonics (like B
instead of BX or BL).

Is this what you want to do?

irb(main):001:0> registers = ‘(r0|r1|r2|r3…|r10|r11|r12…)’
=> “(r0|r1|r2|r3…|r10|r11|r12…)”
irb(main):003:0* registers.scan(/r\d+/)
=> [“r0”, “r1”, “r2”, “r3”, “r10”, “r11”, “r12”]

  1. How can a regexp get the longer of two possibilities that are
    ambiguous? For example, I need to be able to strip out register names:

registers = ‘(r0|r1|r2|r3…|r10|r11|r12…)’

In the regular expression, how can I get it to find r10 or r11 instead of
stopping at r1?

register =~ /(r\d{2,})/
p $1 #-> r10

\d is for a digit character
{m,n} at least m and at most n repetitions of the preceding

more info:


Quickly, the “teach myself” project is a simple ARM assembler. I’ve done
it numerous times, and it is something I’m familiar and comfortable with
(let alone something I need ATM).

sounds interesting… BTW: are you to follow test-first paradigm?

  1. How can a regexp get the longer of two possibilities that are
    ambiguous? For example, I need to be able to strip out register names:

registers = ‘(r0|r1|r2|r3…|r10|r11|r12…)’

In the regular expression, how can I get it to find r10 or r11 instead of
stopping at r1? I get the same problem with opcode mnemonics (like B
instead of BX or BL).

There is many ways to do this…

I can recommend you to read up on ‘lexing’… a phase where you transform
the sourcecode into tokens, where all whitespace is stripped off.
Then you have your registernames as you want them.

However you asked for regexp… then you can place word-boundary anchors
around the registers. Also place the longest names first in the
alternation. But I rather recommend the lexing path.
registers = / \b (?: r10 | r11 | r12 | … r0 | r1 | r2 ) \b /x

BTW: welcome to Ruby :wink:


On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 23:10:11 +0000, Jeff Massung wrote:

Simon Strandgaard

I’ve just started Ruby a couple days ago (man this is cool). Coming from the
embedded world of Forth and C, being able to do some string parsing easily
is what I’m looking forward to. So, onto a couple questions that I can’t
seem to find the answers to:

welcome aboard.

Quickly, the “teach myself” project is a simple ARM assembler. I’ve done it
numerous times, and it is something I’m familiar and comfortable with (let
alone something I need ATM).

  1. How can a regexp get the longer of two possibilities that are ambiguous?
    For example, I need to be able to strip out register names:

registers = ‘(r0|r1|r2|r3…|r10|r11|r12…)’

In the regular expression, how can I get it to find r10 or r11 instead of
stopping at r1? I get the same problem with opcode mnemonics (like B instead
of BX or BL).

you need to make a pattern that says “a register string is an ‘r’ followed by
one, or more, digits”. pattern matching is greedy by default, so that alone
will do it

irb(main):001:0> register_pat = /r\d+/o
=> /r\d+/

irb(main):002:0> “r1”[register_pat]
=> “r1”

irb(main):003:0> “r11”[register_pat]
=> “r11”

irb(main):004:0> “r111”[register_pat]
=> “r111”

however, pattern matching is trickier than it looks:

irb(main):005:0> “car_number1”[register_pat]
=> “r1”

you probably wan’t to say something like: “a register is the string ‘r’
followed by one, or more, digits, but when the whole thing is bounded by
non-word chars”

irb(main):007:0> “r1”[pat]
=> “r1”

irb(main):008:0> “carr1”[pat]
=> nil

in general, it’s best to always anchor patterns somehow.

  1. I don’t seem to understand the @ convensions for variable names. Is this
    just a naming convension that people stick to (like name system names in
    Lisp) but aren’t required?

I noticed that if I have a global variable:

x = 10

In some function:

def show_x print x end

This fails (unknown local x). But if I use @x in both cases it works just
fine. Can someone explain this to me? Also, what about @@ variables?
Likewise, is there @@@ or @@@@ ?

‘@’ means instance var - it’s OO speak for my var. eg:

~ > cat foo.rb
class Car
attr :model
def initialize model
@model = model

audi = ‘audi’
p audi.model

jag = ‘jaguar’
p jag.model

~ > ruby foo.rb

‘@@’ means class var. they could be thought of as ‘static storage on a class
hierachy basis’. eg:

~ > cat foo.rb
class Widget
@@total_widgets = 0

def Widget.n_widgets

attr :name
def initialize name 
  @name = name
  @@total_widgets += 1


widgets =
42.times{|i| widgets << }

p widgets.size
p Widget.n_widgets

~ > ruby foo.rb

there are also, ‘class instance vars’, but that’s a longer story…

there is no @@@+

Thanks in advance.

no problem. you’ll find this (the pickaxe) most useful:

i use it, literally, every day. i always use the electronic copy, but bought
three and gave them away to support the authors - good to support them too, i
hear they are working on a new release…




On Tue, 13 Apr 2004, Jeff Massung wrote:


EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
ADDRESS :: E/GC2 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305-3328
URL :: Solar-Terrestrial Physics Data | NCEI
TRY :: for l in ruby perl;do $l -e “print "\x3a\x2d\x29\x0a"”;done

I’ve just started Ruby a couple days ago (man this is cool). Coming from
the embedded world of Forth and C, being able to do some string parsing
easily is what I’m looking forward to. So, onto a couple questions that I
can’t seem to find the answers to:

26952 DUP 255 AND EMIT 256 / EMIT ( :slight_smile:

Quickly, the “teach myself” project is a simple ARM assembler. I’ve done
it numerous times, and it is something I’m familiar and comfortable with
(let alone something I need ATM).

  1. How can a regexp get the longer of two possibilities that are
    ambiguous? For example, I need to be able to strip out register names:

registers = ‘(r0|r1|r2|r3…|r10|r11|r12…)’

In the regular expression, how can I get it to find r10 or r11 instead of
stopping at r1? I get the same problem with opcode mnemonics (like B
instead of BX or BL).

Try putting the longer strings first in the alternation

irb --simple-prompt

puts $& if “r11” =~ /r1|r2|r11/ # shorter strings first

puts $& if “r11” =~ /r11|r2|r1/ # longer strings first

Alternately, you could use lookahead assertions to
specify the character following the token is some
kind of token separating character, like…

This “\b” insists a “word boundary” occurs at that point
in the pattern:

puts $& if “r11” =~ /(r1|r2|r11)\b/

I think the “\b” is essentially equivalent to:

puts $& if “r11” =~ /(r1|r2|r11)(?![A-Za-z0-9_])/




From: “Jeff Massung”

I’ve just started Ruby a couple days ago

welcome! :slight_smile:

  1. How can a regexp get the longer of two possibilities that are
    ambiguous? For example, I need to be able to strip out register names:

registers = ‘(r0|r1|r2|r3…|r10|r11|r12…)’

In the regular expression, how can I get it to find r10 or r11 instead
stopping at r1? I get the same problem with opcode mnemonics (like B
instead of BX or BL).

Are you wanting a regex that matches register names? here’s a couple

A bit lazy, but less complicated: matches 1 or 2 digit numbers

the \d means match any single digit; following the second \d with

a ? means that it should match it if it’s there, but it is optional.

register_regex = /r\d\d?/

A bit less more complex, but more precise; matches up to “r42”

rough translation: "match an ‘r’, followed by either the a digit

followed by a non-digit; or a number 1-3 followed by one digit

and a non-digit; or the number 4 followed by a 0, 1, or 2.

register_regex = /r(?:\d\D|[1-3]\d\D|4[012]\D)/

If you are going to be doing lots of regex stuff, I highly reccoment
going out and getting a small pocket manual regex reference. When I
started working with them, I got a little perl-oriented one, but it
works just as well for Ruby, PHP, or most other implementations. I just
marked it up to show what was available in each language.



On Apr 13, 2004, at 3:14 PM, Jeff Massung wrote:

Try this regexp instead: /r\d+/

For example,

irb(main):007:0> m = /r\d+/.match(‘r13’)
irb(main):008:0> p m[0]

This regular expression matches ‘r’ followed by one or more
digits. Notice that the regexp matched the whole string, not just ‘r1’. By
default, regexps are “greedy”, that is, they want to match as many
characters as they can. Of course that’s the behavior you’re looking for.

Your original expression “(r0|r1|r2…” uses the alternation (“|”)
operator to match one of a set of regular expressions. The regexp “a|b”
tries “a” first and if it doesn’t match then it tries “b”.


On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 22:10:11 +0000, Jeff Massung wrote:

I’ve just started Ruby a couple days ago (man this is cool). Coming from
the embedded world of Forth and C, being able to do some string parsing
easily is what I’m looking forward to. So, onto a couple questions that I
can’t seem to find the answers to:

Quickly, the “teach myself” project is a simple ARM assembler. I’ve done
it numerous times, and it is something I’m familiar and comfortable with
(let alone something I need ATM).

  1. How can a regexp get the longer of two possibilities that are
    ambiguous? For example, I need to be able to strip out register names:

registers = ‘(r0|r1|r2|r3…|r10|r11|r12…)’

In the regular expression, how can I get it to find r10 or r11 instead of
stopping at r1? I get the same problem with opcode mnemonics (like B
instead of BX or BL).

In article,

I’ve just started Ruby a couple days ago (man this is cool). Coming from
the embedded world of Forth and C, being able to do some string parsing
easily is what I’m looking forward to.

Welcome. So how did you find out about Ruby?

So, onto a couple questions that I
can’t seem to find the answers to:

Quickly, the “teach myself” project is a simple ARM assembler.

Sounds like a good project.

I’ve done
it numerous times, and it is something I’m familiar and comfortable with
(let alone something I need ATM).

  1. How can a regexp get the longer of two possibilities that are
    ambiguous? For example, I need to be able to strip out register names:

registers = ‘(r0|r1|r2|r3…|r10|r11|r12…)’

In the regular expression, how can I get it to find r10 or r11 instead of
stopping at r1? I get the same problem with opcode mnemonics (like B
instead of BX or BL).

I’ll let someone who is quicker with regexen answer that one.

  1. I don’t seem to understand the @ convensions for variable names. Is
    this just a naming convension that people stick to (like name system
    names in Lisp) but aren’t required?

Well, no, it’s not just convention. the ‘@’ implies instance scope.

class SomeClass
def initialize
@foo = “some value”

def to_s

The @foo is accessible to the to_s method. foo is an instance variable.

I noticed that if I have a global variable:

x = 10

No, you’ve got a regular variable, if you want a global variable, put a
‘$’ in front, like so:

$x = 10

In some function:

def show_x
print x

x inside of the method ‘show_x’ is different from the ‘x’ at the scope


This fails (unknown local x). But if I use @x in both cases it works just
fine. Can someone explain this to me?

if you used @x in both cases it would work because @x would be accessable
from the current instance scope which happens to be an instance of
‘Object’ at this point.

Also, what about @@ variables?

‘@@’ variables have class scope. So in this case:

class Foo
@@var = “Foo!”
def var

def var=(val)

a =
b =
puts a.var #=> Foo!
puts b.var #=> Foo!
#they’re the same
puts b.var #=> Bar!
#still the same

a and b are instances of class Foo and @@var is the same in both a and b
because @@var has class scope (all instances of Foo share @@var).

Likewise, is there @@@ or @@@@ ?

Luckily, we don’t have these :slight_smile:



Jeff Massung wrote:

John Platte wrote in news:E3F08E93-8D99-

Check out for a much
better rundown of this stuff.

Thanks! Feel better already :wink:


Best regards,
Jeff jma[at]

“Armin Roehrl” schrieb im Newsbeitrag

  1. How can a regexp get the longer of two possibilities that are
    ambiguous? For example, I need to be able to strip out register names:

registers = ‘(r0|r1|r2|r3…|r10|r11|r12…)’

In the regular expression, how can I get it to find r10 or r11 instead
stopping at r1?

register =~ /(r\d{2,})/

I guess he rather wants {1,2}

some_string.scan(/r\d{1,2}/) do |reg|
puts “Found register: #{reg}”

You can even convert that to a number easily:

some_string.scan(/r(\d{1,2})/) do |match|
no = match[0].to_i
puts “Found register: #{no}”



p $1 #-> r10

\d is for a digit character
{m,n} at least m and at most n repetitions of the preceding

more info:

Simon Strandgaard wrote in


Quickly, the “teach myself” project is a simple ARM assembler. I’ve
done it numerous times, and it is something I’m familiar and
comfortable with (let alone something I need ATM).

sounds interesting… BTW: are you to follow test-first paradigm?

Hehe, of course.

In the regular expression, how can I get it to find r10 or r11
instead of stopping at r1? I get the same problem with opcode
mnemonics (like B instead of BX or BL).

There is many ways to do this…

I can recommend you to read up on ‘lexing’… a phase where you
transform the sourcecode into tokens, where all whitespace is stripped
off. Then you have your registernames as you want them.

That was my approach in C. Works fine, but using the regexp (so far),
I’ve been able to slowly tackle away at a source line easily. Assembly is
simple, but ARM assembly can be a little headache-ish to parse.

For example, I’ve been able to:

@source = “test: add r0,r1,r2”

if (@source =~ /(\w+):\s+(.*)/) == 0
@label = $1
@source = $2

And then continue on, with using regexp on the rest of @source (stripping
the opcode from the operands), etc. It actually seems to be rather
efficient (programmatically). Whether it is effecient processor-wise, at
this point, I don’t really care. I’m more learning that optimizing. :slight_smile:

However you asked for regexp… then you can place word-boundary
anchors around the registers. Also place the longest names first in
the alternation. But I rather recommend the lexing path.
registers = / \b (?: r10 | r11 | r12 | … r0 | r1 | r2 ) \b /x

I’ll give that a try.

BTW: welcome to Ruby :wink:


And a hearty thanks to everyone else who replied. I was rather surprised
at the time taken by everyone to explain the OOP concepts behind @ and @@
(I do know C++ very well, but the generosity of the community here was
rather – delightfully overwhelming) :slight_smile:

It appears all I really was “missing” was the concept that all code is
always in a class, whether some overall Ruby class or one that I make
myself. And that @@ is static.

Lastly, though. @ is instance, @@ is static, and $ is global. What is

x = 10

Where does x reside in namespace, etc? How do I access it? Is it
considered just local to the current definition?

Really, thanks all!


On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 23:10:11 +0000, Jeff Massung wrote:

Best regards,
Jeff jma[at]

x is just a plain local variable; it is inaccessible outside the
current scope. Once it goes out of scope (ie., you close the class,
module, or function definition) it’s current value is gone forever.

(unless you use continuations or fiddle with bindings, but that’s
another thing altogether)



On Apr 14, 2004, at 10:14 AM, Jeff Massung wrote:

It appears all I really was “missing” was the concept that all code is
always in a class, whether some overall Ruby class or one that I make
myself. And that @@ is static.

Lastly, though. @ is instance, @@ is static, and $ is global. What is

x = 10

Where does x reside in namespace, etc? How do I access it? Is it
considered just local to the current definition?