Hi –
“Robert Klemme” bob.news@gmx.net writes:
“David Alan Black” dblack@wobblini.net schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Hi –
ts decoux@moulon.inra.fr writes:
def call_foo
foo(lambda{|b| c=b})
puts c # does c persist if the lambda was
What you have written is similar to
def call_foo
a = lambda {|b| c = b}
puts c
foo(a) don’t change anything and if I’ve well understood : this is at
compile time that ruby will make the decision (local/block-local)
Maybe the call should’ve read “foo &a”.
OK… but what will the decision be, for ‘c’? Why would it be any
different here than for:
def foo
[1].each { c = 0 }
puts c
In both cases, an assignment is being made to c, visible at compile
time, in a particular scope. So, in your example (and mine), c is
created at compile time in the calling scope (call_foo). Then the
lambda is called, and c is actually assigned something.
Yes, of course. But there’s a difference between
def foo
[1].each { c = 0 }
puts c
def foo(&b)
[1].each &b
puts c
foo { c = 0 }
‘c’ comes into existence in the lexically surrounding scope, i.e. foo in
the first case and the calling context in the second case. There is no
magic that would make the second example print something other than ‘nil’
for ‘c’.
Right – see my wording above (“c is created at compile time in the
calling scope”, which means foo in your first example and top-level in
your second example, and call_foo in my call_foo example). I somehow
had the impression Guy was saying that in the call_foo example, no ‘c’
would be created in call_foo but I now don’t think he was. (That’s
what I meant when I asked why one would be different from the other.)
I still find it odd what happens in that calling scope. As I
understand it, after calling foo {|b| c = b}, you may or may not have
a variable ‘c’, depending on the behavior of foo (i.e., whether foo
does or does not call [or yield to] your block). To me, this
particular kind of dependency between scopes is strange.
Or is there going to be a further distinction between plain lambdas
and code blocks passed to iterators? If so, I really think it’s time
for a Block class. (Matz: you wanted more reasons…
It would certainly be intersting to hear that. Up to now I thought
‘lambda’ is merely a syntactical alias for ‘proc’ but I may be wrong here.
No, you’re right. (‘proc’ is deprecated in favor of lambda, to avoid
the similarity in name between the non-similar Proc and proc objects.)
But see ruby-core, and probably ruby-talk too in the past; there have
been discussions about the various differences between and among Proc
objects, lambdas, and code blocks. (I’m not going to tempt fate by
trying to summarize them
David A. Black