7stud -- wrote:
Try this:
str = 'and stuff and nice things not bad girls not greasy boys
and girlsandboys'
smoking_table = {'and'=>, 'not'=>}
pieces = str.split(/(and |not )/)
len = pieces.length
index = 0
while index < len
case pieces[index]
when 'and '
smoking_table['and'] << pieces[index+1].strip
index +=2
when 'not '
smoking_table['not'] << pieces[index+1].strip
index += 2
index += 1
p smoking_table
Normally when you split() a string, you do something like this:
str = 'aXbXc'
pieces = str.split('X')
p pieces
-->["a", "b", "c"]
Notice that the pattern you use to split the string is not part of the
results-it's chopped out of the string and the pieces are what's left
over. However, there is a little known feature where if your split
pattern has a group in it, which is formed by putting parenthesis around
part of the patten, then the group will be returned in the results. I
used parentheses around the whole split pattern to get a result array
like this:
["", "and ", "stuff ", "and ", "nice things ", "not ", "bad girls ",
"not ", "greasy boys\n", "and ", "girlsandboys"]
By including the split pattern in the results, you can see that each
piece of the string is preceded by either 'and ' or 'not '. The 'and '
or 'not ' then serves as an identifier for each piece of the string.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.