NET::SSH sudo su problems

I'm trying to run the following code and having problems

  Net::SSH.start(host, user) do |ssh|
      ssh.exec!("sudo su - qos")

I run the main which calls this method, but it just hangs and doesnt
actually change the user to "qos"


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I think the problem you're having is that sudo requires a PTY otherwise it
prompts for a password, which you experience as "hangs".

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a simple way to make Net::SSH enable PTY
(it's in the ssh protocol), so I had to make my own exec function. As a
bonus, it prints the output buffer while running so you can observe this PTY

Good luck!


  def exec(ssh, command, request_pty=false)
    exit_code = 0
    output_buffer =
    c = ssh.open_channel do |chan|
      chan.on_request('exit-status') do |ch, data|
        exit_code += data.read_long
        print("ssh exec exit-status: #{exit_code}")
      chan.on_request('exit-signal') do |ch, data|
        exit_code += (data.read_long << 8)
        print("ssh exec exit-signal: #{exit_code}")
      chan.on_data do |ch, data|
        output_buffer << data
        print("ssh data: #{data}")
      chan.on_extended_data do |ch, type, data|
        output_buffer << data
        print("ssh extended data (#{type}): #{data}")
      chan.request_pty() if request_pty
    output = output_buffer.join('')
    print("ssh \"#{command}\" exit_code=#{exit_code} output=\n#{output}")
    return exit_code, output_buffer.join('')


On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Sarith Fernando <> wrote:

I'm trying to run the following code and having problems

Net::SSH.start(host, user) do |ssh|
     ssh.exec!("sudo su - qos")

I run the main which calls this method, but it just hangs and doesnt
actually change the user to "qos"

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