Been looking through Net::HTTP for a way to manage a session [i.e.
cookies] on the client side but haven't had much luck.. Could anyone
point me in the right direction for a way to [short of writing it from
scratch of course] maintain a session id on the client side, i.e. I want
to be able to have my script engage in a session, e.g. logs in, makes a
post, etc [all stuff that requires my session is still valid]..
On Mon, Jul 17, 2006 at 06:03:41AM +0900, Brez! !! wrote:
Been looking through Net::HTTP for a way to manage a session [i.e.
cookies] on the client side but haven't had much luck.. Could anyone
point me in the right direction for a way to [short of writing it from
scratch of course] maintain a session id on the client side, i.e. I want
to be able to have my script engage in a session, e.g. logs in, makes a
post, etc [all stuff that requires my session is still valid]..