Nesting Includes

Hi. I'd like to include one module, which would include other modules
into my namespace. Is this doable?

Doing this:
module AAA
  include bbb

include AAA

does not seem to include bbb. Is there anyway to do this, or do I need
to add the include explicilty to file2 as well?

(Note - I understand the need for this, to avoid namespace collisions).

Hi, you need to require the files you want:

module BBB
  def bbb
    puts "bbb"

require 'bbb'

module AAA
  include BBB

---- test-nested-includes.rb
require 'aaa'
include AAA





On 11/15/05, <> wrote:

Hi. I'd like to include one module, which would include other modules
into my namespace. Is this doable?

Doing this:
module AAA
include bbb

include AAA

does not seem to include bbb. Is there anyway to do this, or do I need
to add the include explicilty to file2 as well?

It seems like you are thinking (in the way that I did while learning Ruby)
that Ruby's 'include' facility is analogous to the C/C++ include mechanism.
Same keyword but totally unrelated semantics.

As Sean indicated, use 'require' to have ruby parse a file and use 'include'
to mixin modules (i.e. to dynamically construct the hierarchy of modules/classes).
You have to make sure that Ruby has parsed a module definition via 'require' before
it will be available for use via 'include'. If your modules were all defined
in a single file, it would look like:

module B
   # definition of module B

module A
   include B
   # more parts of A

include A

So if B is defined in 'file1.rb' and A is defined in 'file2.rb' you could
access those definitions in a third file as:

  require 'file1' # now B is defined, for use by A
  require 'file2' # now A is defined, using B

  include A # module A is included into the current scope (top level)

Gary Wright


On Nov 14, 2005, at 8:07 PM, wrote:

Hi. I'd like to include one module, which would include other modules
into my namespace. Is this doable?
Doing this:
module AAA
  include bbb

include AAA

does not seem to include bbb. Is there anyway to do this, or do I need
to add the include explicilty to file2 as well?