if a double quoted string has a #{} block that evaluates to another double
quoted string with another #{} block, will the resulting string be expanded
if a double quoted string has a #{} block that evaluates to another double
quoted string with another #{} block, will the resulting string be expanded
It's a feature
There is no limit to the nesting, beyond physical memory.
>> i just checked and it seems so, but the question is whether this is well
>> defined behaviour and not just a coincidence.
>It's a mystery. As Matz said (ruby-talk/82247) "Only Nobu knows this
>part of the parser."
Yes, but still it's defined behavior.
Indeed. And a lot of work went into making it possible.
I guess I was being a bit too flippant.
As a note to konsu: in general, if something in Ruby works the way you
want it to, you can safely assume that it was put there deliberately.
thanks, i guess i spent too much time working for commercial software
companies, so now working code makes me suspicious that it might be working
just by chance
As a note to konsu: in general, if something in Ruby works the way you
want it to, you can safely assume that it was put there deliberately.