Need single sign on solution?

Hi All,
      I am doing my site user authentication through LDAP server and my
company has 3 more sites with different technologies and they are also
doing user authentication through LDAP server.
Now we want that when user logged in my application then
user also logged in other application and
Please help me out.
I will be so thankful to all of you?

If u r saying bout session or cookies please give some code example or
detailed description.

Thanks & Regards,
Varun Goel


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Varun Goel wrote:

Hi All,
      I am doing my site user authentication through LDAP server and my
company has 3 more sites with different technologies and they are also
doing user authentication through LDAP server.
Now we want that when user logged in my application then
user also logged in other application and
Please help me out.
I will be so thankful to all of you?

If u r saying bout session or cookies please give some code example or
detailed description.

Thanks & Regards,
Varun Goel
Conceptually, you can assign a session cookie scoped to your domain. So every host on the domain will receive the cookie with each request. The cookie can be a key that is stored in the LDAP server or an application you write. When queried with the key it will return the user data. You can also encrypt the user data into the cookie itself. This would require each app that uses the cookie know how to decrypt it.

Cookies are set differently for different frameworks and libs. See your framework or lib documentation for specifics. The domain part of the cookie should be something like ""
