The @@variables are shared among subclasses, not superclasses. So you
could define the variable in the superclass:
class TestSuperClass
@@testmethod = 1
Yes but if i have 2 subclasses with 2 methods in each then i will need
to define 4 variables in the superclass.
@@method0 = @@method1 = @@method2 = @@method3 = 1
And every time i want to add a method in a subclass i will need to go to
the superclass code and add another one. That's the sort of duplication
i would like to avoid.
or, you could use an instance variable, since I'm not sure class
variables are really useful in Ruby:
class TestSubClass < TestSuperClass
def initialize
@testmethod = lambda { puts "inside testmethod" }
If you put something in initialize then when you change the code and
reload it in a running program (or running irb) you need to recreate all
existing objects. With class variables there is no need to.
... but more importantly, why do you want to do this? There's likely
to be a better way.
I know it's nothing useful but this is how i learn. I want to make an
alternative to the def keyword. For example, i want to have a way of
defining methods which take arguments in reverse.
defbackward(:mymethod) do |x,y,z|
irb(main):004:0> mymethod(1,2,3)
=> [3, 2, 1]
I thought i would use method_missing and this leads to the problem i
showed in the first post.
More info on inheritance and class variables:
Right, this explains a lot. I ended up with:
class TestSuperClass
def self.testdefhash
def self.testdef(name, &block)
(@testdefhash ||= {})[name] = block
def method_missing(name, *args)
class TestSubClassA < TestSuperClass
testdef(:testmethod) { puts "inside testmethod a" }
testdef(:anothermethod) { puts "inside anothermethod a" }
class TestSubClassB < TestSuperClass
testdef(:testmethod) { puts "inside testmethod b" }
testdef(:anothermethod) { puts "inside anothermethod b" }
inside testmethod a
inside anothermethod b
So far it works. Thanks for help.
On 10/25/2010 05:19 PM, Leslie Viljoen wrote:
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