Need help translating a Python class to Ruby


I talked about the attached Python-to-Ruby translation helper script a
few weeks ago on the list but never did anything more about it. Please
feel free to try it out. It’s just a syntactic translation helper, but
it sure beats doing everything by hand. Note that you will almost
certainly need Python knowledge to complete the translation, but having
a lot of the standard stuff done by this script ought to help. Be sure
to keep a copy of the original Python script handy to refer to as you
complete the translation – you need to know what the semantics of the
original program were in order to faithfully port it!


translate_Python_to_Ruby.ZIP (5.02 KB)


-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Tomson []
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 3:40 PM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Need help translating a Python class to Ruby

I’m thinking I’m going to need some help translating a Python class into

Ruby. It involves communication with another program via pipes (also
fork, but I’m wondering if threads might be a better choice).

If there are any folks out there who know a bit of Python and would be
willing to answer a few questions and make suggestions for Ruby
equivilents I’d appreciated it - please drop me an email.
