Need help in reading a file having non structured data

Suppose I am having a file as below :

Variety Origin Brand Kg. pp
Yellow melons Costa Rica Black jack 10 85
Yellow melons Costa Rica Various 23

How can I read these into as array

[['Yellow melons','Costa Rica','Black jack','10','85'],['Yellow
melons','Costa Rica','Various','','85']]


Posted via

If you have column oriented data then you can use String#unpack to unpack the string according to a template. Numeric columns are interesting because they are usually right justified so the last digits line up.

The template's content can be understood by reading Class: String (Ruby 2.1.1)

This might help you get started:

~ ∙ pry
[1] pry(main)> DATA = <<EOS
[1] pry(main)* Variety Origin Brand Kg. pp
[1] pry(main)* Yellow melons Costa Rica Black jack 10 85
[1] pry(main)* Yellow melons Costa Rica Various 23
[1] pry(main)* EOS
=> "Variety Origin Brand Kg. pp\nYellow melons Costa Rica Black jack 10 85\nYellow melons Costa Rica Various 23\n"
[2] pry(main)> DATA.each_line do |line|
[2] pry(main)* puts line.unpack('A15 A12 A10 A5 A6').inspect
[2] pry(main)* end
["Variety", "Origin", "Brand", " Kg", ". pp"]
["Yellow melons", "Costa Rica", "Black jack", " 10", " 85"]
["Yellow melons", "Costa Rica", "Various", "", " 23"]

Hope this helps,



On Mar 9, 2014, at 10:30 AM, Arup Rakshit <> wrote:

Suppose I am having a file as below :

Variety Origin Brand Kg. pp
Yellow melons Costa Rica Black jack 10 85
Yellow melons Costa Rica Various 23

How can I read these into as array

[['Yellow melons','Costa Rica','Black jack','10','85'],['Yellow
melons','Costa Rica','Various','','85']]

Posted via\.


Mike Stok <>

The "`Stok' disclaimers" apply.

Difficult to say without knowing more. Assuming a tab is the
separator here's one approach

data = File.foreach("your.file").map {|line| line.split "\t"}




On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Arup Rakshit <> wrote:

Suppose I am having a file as below :

Variety Origin Brand Kg. pp
Yellow melons Costa Rica Black jack 10 85
Yellow melons Costa Rica Various 23

How can I read these into as array

[['Yellow melons','Costa Rica','Black jack','10','85'],['Yellow
melons','Costa Rica','Various','','85']]

[guy, jim].each {|him| remember.him do |as, often| as.you_can - without end}