MySQL/Ruby on Windows


> I'm trying to install the C-based MySQL/Ruby library on my WinXP box


> MySQL 4.1.7

I ran into all the problems you listed as well. Here is how I got
around them -

It is built around 4.0.20a not the newer 4.1.7. I have no need to
upgrade right now so it isn't even on my priority list to get it built
with 4.1.x code line.

Thanks for the help!

Hopefully I can snag VS.NET and compile one against MySQL 4.1.7 (sadly
the so file you created is bombing out on me).

As a general note to the Ruby community, and to the Windows One-click
installer in particular - Can we _please_ try and get some of the more
popular extensions pre-compiled for win32? I've had a heck of a time
trying to do FastCGI, ZLib and MySQL...


Williams, Chris wrote:

As a general note to the Ruby community, and to the Windows One-click
installer in particular - Can we _please_ try and get some of the more
popular extensions pre-compiled for win32? I've had a heck of a time
trying to do FastCGI, ZLib and MySQL...

I'm working on a One-Click Ruby Server that will install a complete
ruby-based server environment. But its just in the planning phase, so
realistically it will be a few months before anything is available.



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Zlib already works, and is part of the standard Ruby distro. There are
a few things missing from the standard One-click distro, but this is
not one of them.



On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 23:34:03 +0900, Williams, Chris <> wrote:

As a general note to the Ruby community, and to the Windows One-click
installer in particular - Can we _please_ try and get some of the more
popular extensions pre-compiled for win32? I've had a heck of a time
trying to do FastCGI, ZLib and MySQL...

Austin Ziegler *
               * Alternate: