MySQL Query - Stupid question

Although I've dealt with many many SQL queries and whatnot, I actually
don't know how to return the number of rows it returned... I'm using the
MySQL gem and making my queries like this:

db1 = Mysql.connect("localhost", "root", "root", "project")
@new_entries = db1.query("SELECT * FROM new_entries")

...but what can I do to get the number of rows as well as the data from
the table?

- Jeff Miller


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On Apr 4, 2008, at 4:49 PM, Jeff Miller wrote:

Although I've dealt with many many SQL queries and whatnot, I actually
don't know how to return the number of rows it returned... I'm using the
MySQL gem and making my queries like this:

db1 = Mysql.connect("localhost", "root", "root", "project")
@new_entries = db1.query("SELECT * FROM new_entries")

...but what can I do to get the number of rows as well as the data from
the table?

- Jeff Miller

Thanks, that worked.

However, I'm doing another query in a different app using RoR... How can
I achieve the same thing? I want to get the number of rows off a query
such as this:

@grab_new_entries = NewEntries.connection.select_all("SELECT displayname
AS displayname FROM new_entries")

@grab_new_entries.num_rows didn't work....

- Jeff Miller


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