This post is kinda long and a personal opinion which is not meant for
flaming. I think that sharing my experience and opinion may be helpful to
whoever starts to learn Ruby (especially coming from Python).
Hi, rubyists!
Now I have been learning Ruby for 2 months. My programming background (8
years) is Delphi(Pascal), VB, PowerBuilder, C#, Java, ASP(VBScript) and a
bit of C++. I liked C# best until I met Python at the end of last year. I
learned Python and performed several personal projects with it and decided
to make it my primary language.
Especially I liked Python's minimalism. It was very easy to learn since
codes are basically uniform. I used it for ASP projects instead of VBScript.
The length of codes were enormously diminished. The syntaxes and function
names were so intuitive and development time got shortened a lot. Its OO
concept is kinda messy but I didn't care much because I thought that I don't
need to create classes very much when I program with a script language.
In Python newsgroup, I found many people mensioning Ruby. At first, I didn't
think much of it as I was very happy about Python and didn't see any needs
to learn another language. People said that Ruby is pure OO. I thought that
pure OO would be a disadvantage for a scripting language. About 2 months
ago, I read an online article of matz's interview about ruby's philosophy.
That interested me. I decided to learn Ruby.
I ordered 3 books from Amazon - PickAxe(I didn't know that there's a free
online version. Actually I read it online so the book is still very clean
;-)), The Ruby Way, and Teach Yourself in 21 Days. I started with PickAxe.
Who said that Ruby is easy to learn? I think Ruby is at least 3 times as
hard as Python to learn. I somewhat hesitated to continue to learn it. What
bothered me was too many syntaxes, blocks, class object (class is an
object). Also I missed Python's something.__doc__ which returns brief help
descriptions about something. Especially obj.each do..end was hard to get
used to. So when I need to do something urgent, I still used Python.
Anyway, after I finished the first book, I started The Ruby Way. It was good
and I wished I could understand it better. After skimming the book, I
thought I needed to learn the ruby basics more thoroughly. I started reading
Teaching Yourself in 21 Days line by line. That made me understand most of
Ruby syntax. After finishing the book, I read the first chapter of The Ruby
Way again which is an excellent summary of Ruby features.
Now I know Ruby more than Python. Quite frankly, I don't want to go back to
Python. Ruby is now my most favorite language. The funny thing is that what
bothered me when I started to learn Ruby is actually now why I love Ruby.
Clean OO concepts (including single inheritance with mixin), blocks and rich
syntaxes (many aliases, operators). This proves that my prejudice was wrong.
I think Ruby's something...end syntax is really good. I started my
programming with Pascal which uses too long syntax like if ... begin ...
end. C's {} is simple but not very elegant. Python's forced indentation
seemed to be fine but sometimes causes trouble. Ruby is in the right way in
my opinion.
I also want to mention that ruby people are very kind to each other and
enthusiastic. That may be because its community is still small. I hope this
atmosphere lasts even after it grows bigger.
Well... I wish Ruby supported unicode like Python. Actually I think string
should be always unicode like C#. I'll wait and see Ruby 2.0.
To sum up, my decision to convert to Ruby was good. Now Ruby lets me focus
on what I want to program. I feel that I'm well-equipped now...
Thanks for reading.