Hi there
I've got a question about Multiple Table Inheritance.
In my app i have owners and buyers.
I'd like to use a Identity model for common fields (name, adress,
phone, email) and two inherited models (buyer criteria on one side and
more informations about owner on the other side). I've seen gems on
github allowing to do this with ease except one thing : What about the
owner being also a buyer. I mean it deals with a second hand car
business. I mean the guy that comes in the shop to sell his cars and buy
a new one is a reality.
So in my dreams i'd like to have :
-Identity model (name, phone, email, adress)
-Buyer model inherited from Identity (budget, type, number_of_seats,
-Owner model inherited from Identity (few others fields), which i'd like
to be a nested resources of the car model
Any ideas ?
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