Multiple blocks (unfold)

I've been pondering how to write an "unfold" in Ruby lately, and
I've not really found any non-awkward ways to do it yet.

For those not familiar, unfold is basically the inverse of foldl
(Ruby's inject); in its native form (as seen in most functional
languages), it takes four arguments:

- an initial state

- a predicate (tests the state to know when to stop)

- a transformer (converts a state to an output value)

- an incrementor (converts a state to the next state)

It would look something like:

def Array.unfold( s, p, f, g )
  arr = []
  until s )
    arr << s )
    s = s )

You'd use it something like:

a = Array.unfold( 0, lambda { |s| s > 10 }, lambda { |s| s * 2 },
lambda { |s| s + 1 } )

That's pretty ugly in Ruby terms, though. The nicest way I've
thought of so far would be something like:

class Unfolder
   def initialize &block
     (class << self
       def self.stop? &block
         define_method :stop?, &block
       def self.f &block
         define_method :f, &block
       def self.g &block
         define_method :g, &block
     end).class_eval &block

   # reasonable defaults?
   def stop?( s ) ; s ; end
   def f( s ) ; s ; end
   def g( s ) ; g.succ ; end

def Array.unfold( s, &block )
   unfolder = &block
   arr = []
   until unfolder.stop? s
     arr << unfolder.f s
     s = unfolder.g s

Which could be used something like:

a = Array.unfold( 0 ) {
   stop? { |s| s > 10 }
   f { |s| s * 2 }
   g { |s| s + 1 }

But that's kinda icky and probably slow-like.

Anyone got some better ideas?


Sorry, needs some parens to parse:


def Array.unfold( s, &block )
   unfolder = &block
   arr =
   until unfolder.stop? s
     arr << unfolder.f( s )
     s = unfolder.g( s )

-mental wrote:

Anyone got some better ideas?

The only other idea I can think of at the moment is one I've seen in a lot of Java DSLs (and in FlexMock):

class Unfolder
   class << self
     def stop? &block
       new.stop? &block
     def f &block
       new.f &block
     def g &block
       new.g &block

   # reasonable defaults?
   def initialize
     @p = lambda {|s| !s}
     @f = lambda {|s| s}
     @g = lambda {|s| s.succ}

   def stop?(&b) @p = b; self end
   def f(&b) @f = b; self end
   def g(&b) @g = b; self end
   def unfold(s)
     arr =
       arr <<
       s =


a = Unfolder.stop? { |s| s > 10 }.f { |s| s * 2 }.g { |s| s + 1 }.unfold(0)

Completely untested, and full of duplication, but you get the idea.



I've been pondering how to write an "unfold" in Ruby lately, and
I've not really found any non-awkward ways to do it yet.

For those not familiar, unfold is basically the inverse of foldl
(Ruby's inject); in its native form (as seen in most functional
languages), it takes four arguments:

- an initial state

- a predicate (tests the state to know when to stop)

- a transformer (converts a state to an output value)

- an incrementor (converts a state to the next state)

It would look something like:

def Array.unfold( s, p, f, g )
arr =
until s )
   arr << s )
   s = s )

You'd use it something like:

a = Array.unfold( 0, lambda { |s| s > 10 }, lambda { |s| s * 2 },
lambda { |s| s + 1 } )

That's pretty ugly in Ruby terms, though. The nicest way I've
thought of so far would be something like:

class Unfolder
  def initialize &block
    (class << self
      def self.stop? &block
        define_method :stop?, &block
      def self.f &block
        define_method :f, &block
      def self.g &block
        define_method :g, &block
    end).class_eval &block

  # reasonable defaults?
  def stop?( s ) ; s ; end
  def f( s ) ; s ; end
  def g( s ) ; g.succ ; end

def Array.unfold( s, &block )
  unfolder = &block
  arr =
  until unfolder.stop? s
    arr << unfolder.f s
    s = unfolder.g s

Which could be used something like:

a = Array.unfold( 0 ) {
  stop? { |s| s > 10 }
  f { |s| s * 2 }
  g { |s| s + 1 }

But that's kinda icky and probably slow-like.

-mental writes:

I've been pondering how to write an "unfold" in Ruby lately, and
I've not really found any non-awkward ways to do it yet.

C'mon, let's do complete hylomorphisms. :slight_smile:

class Hylo
  class << self
    alias_method :taking, :new

  def initialize(start)
    @start = start

    # Useful defaults.
    @final = lambda { |x| x.nil? }
    @map = lambda { |x| x }

    @init =
    @each = lambda { |a, e| a << e }

    @step = lambda { |x| raise ArgumentError, "No do block given." }

  def do(&block); @step = block; self; end
  def till(&block); @final = block; self; end
  def collecting(&block); @map = block; self; end
  def injecting(init, &block); @init, @each = init, (block||@each); self; end

  def to_a
    v = @start
    r = @init

    until @final[v]
      r = @each[r, @map[v]]
      v = @step[v]

def evens(n)
    do { |x| x + 2 }.
    till { |x| x >= n }.

def fact(n)
    do { |x| x - 1 }.
    till { |x| x <= 1 }.
    injecting(1) { |a, e| a * e }.to_a

def tobin(n)
       do { |x| x / 2 }.
       till { |x| x <= 0 }.
       collecting { |x| (x % 2).to_s }.

def expand(n)
       do { |x| x[1..-1] }.
       till { |x| x.empty? }.
       collecting { |x| x.first[0] * x.first[1] }.

p evens(20)
p fact(7)
p tobin(42)
p expand([['a', 6], ['b', 4], ['c', 2]])



Christian Neukirchen <>

Quoting Devin Mullins <>:


a = Unfolder.stop? { |s| s > 10 }.f { |s| s * 2 }.g { |s| s + 1

Hey, that's not too bad. Use the named parameter idiom from Java.

It's a little weird from a Ruby perspective, but except for being
(essentially) curried it's rather like the way you'd do it in


Hey, this is pretty good. It might be worth into turning into a gem.

Only thing is I don't know about to_a ... there's no real reason the
result has to be an array versus some other type (I've got lazy streams
in mind, at least).



On Sun, 2005-12-18 at 00:41 +0900, Christian Neukirchen wrote: writes:

> I've been pondering how to write an "unfold" in Ruby lately, and
> I've not really found any non-awkward ways to do it yet.

C'mon, let's do complete hylomorphisms. :slight_smile:

In article <>, writes:

I've been pondering how to write an "unfold" in Ruby lately, and
I've not really found any non-awkward ways to do it yet.

C'mon, let's do complete hylomorphisms. :slight_smile:

Had to look that one up. wikipedia says:
a philosophical concept that highlights the significance of matter in the
composition of being, regarding matter to be as essential to a being as its

.....but I don't feel any more enightened than I was prior to looking it up.
What does 'hylomophism' mean in this context? Most all of the google hits had
something to do with philosophy.

class Hylo
class << self
   alias_method :taking, :new

def initialize(start)
   @start = start

   # Useful defaults.
   @final = lambda { |x| x.nil? }
   @map = lambda { |x| x }

   @init =
   @each = lambda { |a, e| a << e }

   @step = lambda { |x| raise ArgumentError, "No do block given." }

def do(&block); @step = block; self; end
def till(&block); @final = block; self; end
def collecting(&block); @map = block; self; end
def injecting(init, &block); @init, @each = init, (block||@each); self; end

def to_a
   v = @start
   r = @init

   until @final[v]
     r = @each[r, @map[v]]
     v = @step[v]

def evens(n)
   do { |x| x + 2 }.
   till { |x| x >= n }.

def fact(n)
   do { |x| x - 1 }.
   till { |x| x <= 1 }.
   injecting(1) { |a, e| a * e }.to_a

def tobin(n)
      do { |x| x / 2 }.
      till { |x| x <= 0 }.
      collecting { |x| (x % 2).to_s }.

def expand(n)
      do { |x| x[1..-1] }.
      till { |x| x.empty? }.
      collecting { |x| x.first[0] * x.first[1] }.

p evens(20)
p fact(7)
p tobin(42)
p expand([['a', 6], ['b', 4], ['c', 2]])

this is quite cool even if I'm not quite sure how hylomorphism applys.

BTW: in regards to the other 'advanced Ruby book' threads recently, this is
just the sort of thing I'd like to see in a 'Higher Order Ruby' type book.



Christian Neukirchen <> wrote:

I wrote up a small metaprogramming library back in the spring which
adds this syntax to Ruby classes/modules in an (IMHO) convenient way:



On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 10:03:32AM +0900, wrote:

Quoting Devin Mullins <>:

> Usage:
> a = Unfolder.stop? { |s| s > 10 }.f { |s| s * 2 }.g { |s| s + 1
> }.unfold(0)

Hey, that's not too bad. Use the named parameter idiom from Java.

It's a little weird from a Ruby perspective, but except for being
(essentially) curried it's rather like the way you'd do it in

MenTaLguY <> writes: writes:

> I've been pondering how to write an "unfold" in Ruby lately, and
> I've not really found any non-awkward ways to do it yet.

C'mon, let's do complete hylomorphisms. :slight_smile:

Hey, this is pretty good. It might be worth into turning into a gem.

Only thing is I don't know about to_a ... there's no real reason the
result has to be an array versus some other type (I've got lazy streams
in mind, at least).

True, #to_a is left-over. Not sure what it should be called, tho.


On Sun, 2005-12-18 at 00:41 +0900, Christian Neukirchen wrote:


Christian Neukirchen <> (Phil Tomson) writes:

In article <>, writes:

I've been pondering how to write an "unfold" in Ruby lately, and
I've not really found any non-awkward ways to do it yet.

C'mon, let's do complete hylomorphisms. :slight_smile:

Had to look that one up. wikipedia says:
a philosophical concept that highlights the significance of matter in the
composition of being, regarding matter to be as essential to a being as its

.....but I don't feel any more enightened than I was prior to looking it up.
What does 'hylomophism' mean in this context? Most all of the google hits had
something to do with philosophy.

I use the term hylomorphism in the context of category theory, where a
hylomorphism is a compsite of an anamorphism (unfold) and an
catamorphism (fold/inject).

this is quite cool even if I'm not quite sure how hylomorphism applys.

BTW: in regards to the other 'advanced Ruby book' threads recently, this is
just the sort of thing I'd like to see in a 'Higher Order Ruby' type book.

Yeah, me too.


Christian Neukirchen <> wrote:


Christian Neukirchen <>