Multi-Column Listbox in FXRuby

I am trying to figure out how to do a multi-column listbox in FXRuby. What
I want it pretty much the FXTable (multiple columns, sortable by clicking
column headers, resizing columns) but have a mouse click select the whole
row instead of just a cell.

I think that the FXIconList will do the trick, but the Fox documentation for
it is very confusing to me. Does anyone have a source code example of what
I am trying to do that they would be willing to share? It would be much

Jamey Cribbs

CRIBBSJ wrote:

I am trying to figure out how to do a multi-column listbox in FXRuby. What
I want it pretty much the FXTable (multiple columns, sortable by clicking
column headers, resizing columns) but have a mouse click select the whole
row instead of just a cell.

I think that the FXIconList will do the trick, but the Fox documentation for
it is very confusing to me. Does anyone have a source code example of what
I am trying to do that they would be willing to share? It would be much

Have you looked at the “header.rb” example program that comes with FXRuby?