c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/DBD/ADO/ADO.rb:135:in `execute': Execute
OLE error code:80004005 in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Cannot create new connection because in manual or distributed
transaction mode.
# connect to a datbase
dbh = DBI.connect('DBI:ADO:Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = localhost;
Initial Catalog = xx; User Id = xx; Password = xxxx;')
db2 = DBI.connect('DBI:ADO:Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = localhost;
Initial Catalog = xx; User Id = xx; Password = xxxx;')
sth=dbh.prepare("select * from tblProductAttributeValues where
ProductAttributeID = '38'")
while row=sth.fetch do
id = row[0]
puts id
tmp = dbh2.prepare("select top 5 * from tblDiamonds")
Hmmm... I wonder if the connections are getting pooled under the
covers maybe? Any diff if you have dbh2 connect as a different user?
I believe that more subtle changes will throw off conn pooling too, but
I'd start out w/the stark case of a second user.
If that does work, then it's probably worth looking into means for
disabling connection pooling more directly.
I (I think) just solved a similar problem (same err msg anyway) by
throwing a gratuitous
in after a call to DBI::StatementHandle.execute, even tho the SQL in
question was just a simple SELECT. But I didn't need to execute a
second statement in the middle of a Fetch loop like you are.
jdonnell wrote:
I tried that and got
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/DBD/ADO/ADO.rb:135:in `execute': Execute
OLE error code:80004005 in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Cannot create new connection because in manual or distributed
transaction mode.
# connect to a datbase
dbh = DBI.connect('DBI:ADO:Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = localhost;
Initial Catalog = xx; User Id = xx; Password = xxxx;')
db2 = DBI.connect('DBI:ADO:Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = localhost;
Initial Catalog = xx; User Id = xx; Password = xxxx;')
sth=dbh.prepare("select * from tblProductAttributeValues where
ProductAttributeID = '38'")
while row=sth.fetch do
id = row[0]
puts id
tmp = dbh2.prepare("select top 5 * from tblDiamonds")