Ruby simply talk to the COM automation server that the office
applicatiosn expose. What that means is that it simply talks to the same
object model that macros in Vbscript talk to.
So whats the simply way of figuring out whats avilable? Simply just look
at the Object Browser that comes with office application. You can launch
the Vbscript editor that comes in Word or any of the other office apps
and then take a look at the Object Browser. This basically uses a COM
based reflection API to show you everything that office can do.
Further, if you pick up a book about VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
programming, it will show a large part of the commonly used objects and
Hm - how hard would it be to get at this reflection API from ruby?
Roshan James <> wrote:
So whats the simply way of figuring out whats avilable? Simply just look
at the Object Browser that comes with office application. You can launch
the Vbscript editor that comes in Word or any of the other office apps
and then take a look at the Object Browser. This basically uses a COM
based reflection API to show you everything that office can do.
Hm - how hard would it be to get at this reflection API from ruby?
OLE object browser, in Ruby.
Thanks! That's pretty nifty.
Adelle Hartley <> wrote:
> Hm - how hard would it be to get at this reflection API from ruby?
OLE object browser, in Ruby.