MountainWest RubyConf 2008 is scheduled for March 28 and 29, 2008.
It will be in Salt Lake City, at the same great venue we had last year, and
it is again our intent to record and make available all the talks under a
Creative Commons, Share-Alike license -- you can see last year's talks here:
If you've been working on a problem or project in Ruby, this is a great
opportunity to talk about it. We looking for short (250-500 word) proposals
outlining the content and target audience for your talk. Proposals will be
accepted until Midnight (MST) on Dec 31st. Our selection committee will
then review the proposals, select the primary and alternate presenters, and
contact them in January of 2008.
We're looking for all sorts of Ruby and RoR related talks (and talks that
aren't strictly Ruby related but which would be of interest to rubyists).
Talks will be 45 minutes in length, and should allow some time for
audience questions. If you'd prefer something shorter, we're hoping to run
lightning talk sessions on Friday and Saturday, with 8-10 five minute
presentations each session -- proposals are not required for lightning talks.
Proposals should be submitted to me:
Last year, we received a number of high quality proposals for talks at the
2007 MountainWest RubyConf. These talks made our regional conference
a huge success. This year, we're hoping to do even better but we're going
to need your help -- please, propose a talk and plan on coming to enjoy this
regional conference.
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