Mod_ruby win32?

Anyone? Thanks


On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 10:01:12 +0900, Sarah Tanembaum <> wrote:

Anyone? Thanks

Thanks Lennon,

I did installed it and the modules load to Apache 2.0.50 win32
without any errors. But it still did not work.

Have you gotten it to work on windows? Thanks

"Lennon Day-Reynolds" <> wrote in message


Index of /ruby/win32-apache2-ruby1.8.1-mod_ruby

On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 10:01:12 +0900, Sarah Tanembaum > <> wrote:
> Anyone? Thanks

Hello Sarah,

Thanks Lennon,

I did installed it and the modules load to Apache 2.0.50 win32
without any errors. But it still did not work.

Have you gotten it to work on windows? Thanks

AFAIK there was no possitive feedback from anybody who tried it.
Use Fast CGI instead mod_ruby.


Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's