I've installed mod_ruby and eruby on a number of different occassions
without a hitch.
However, I'm having issues now. I recently upgraded my apache server
to 2.0.50. I figured I would have to update my modules, and so I
wasn't surprised when this didn't work right off the bat.
I tought, hey, I just need to rebuild mod_ruby.
So I d/l the most recent version from modruby.net, unpacked,
./configure --with-apxs, make, make install.
And I get this message:
"Starting httpd: httpd: module "mod_ruby.c" is not compatible with
this version of Apache (found 20020628, need 20020903).
Please contact the vendor for the correct version."
I can't figure out what the heck is going on. I've tried 3 different
versions of mod_ruby. I've even gone so far as to update my entire
system (which was RH9) to Fedora Core 2 via yum. I also upgraded gcc
and glibc... and I STILL get the same error.
I can't figure out what the heck to do. Any suggestions?
sounds like you are linking (at runtime) against the old mod_ruby libraries
compiled against the old apache - eg. the old libs are still on your system
somewhere and it's these that are being used. perhaps this is due to apxs
used or somesuch. if this is the case you need to convice apache to load the
correct mod_ruby somehow. perhaps using some combination of LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
LD_RUN_PATH, or flags to configure/compile steps building mod_ruby. in any
case, i'd confirm you are not loading the old version when running httpd.
something like
LD_DEBUG=all httpd start
may help.
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, Belorion wrote:
I've installed mod_ruby and eruby on a number of different occassions
without a hitch.
However, I'm having issues now. I recently upgraded my apache server
to 2.0.50. I figured I would have to update my modules, and so I
wasn't surprised when this didn't work right off the bat.
I tought, hey, I just need to rebuild mod_ruby.
So I d/l the most recent version from modruby.net, unpacked,
/configure --with-apxs, make, make install.
And I get this message:
"Starting httpd: httpd: module "mod_ruby.c" is not compatible with
this version of Apache (found 20020628, need 20020903).
Please contact the vendor for the correct version."
I can't figure out what the heck is going on. I've tried 3 different
versions of mod_ruby. I've even gone so far as to update my entire
system (which was RH9) to Fedora Core 2 via yum. I also upgraded gcc
and glibc... and I STILL get the same error.
I can't figure out what the heck to do. Any suggestions?
EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
When you do something, you should burn yourself completely, like a good
bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself. --Shunryu Suzuki
I can't figure out what the heck to do. Any suggestions?
Your mileage may vary, but these are my ideas:
* there are lists at modruby.net specifically for mod_ruby. you might be able to find assistance there
* are you using the latest sources for mod_ruby? maybe this is a bug that has been fixed. I remember that mod_ruby didn't work with Apache2 for some time. Are you using the latest sources for apxs?
* If all fails, you could use mod_fastcgi and fcgi. I don't know how much of an impact this would have on your app though.
On Thursday, October 28, 2004, at 03:54 PM, Belorion wrote:
I went through and deleted mod_ruby.so. It appears in 2 locations, and
deleting 1 deletes the other. I have 2 versions of apxs on my system,
and I have tried ./configure --with-apxs=apxs_location
with both of them. I still get the same error.
I'm not sure I understand how to change LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_RUN_PATH.
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 05:23:59 +0900, ara.t.howard@noaa.gov <ara.t.howard@noaa.gov> wrote:
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, Belorion wrote:
> I've installed mod_ruby and eruby on a number of different occassions
> without a hitch.
> However, I'm having issues now. I recently upgraded my apache server
> to 2.0.50. I figured I would have to update my modules, and so I
> wasn't surprised when this didn't work right off the bat.
> I tought, hey, I just need to rebuild mod_ruby.
> So I d/l the most recent version from modruby.net, unpacked,
> /configure --with-apxs, make, make install.
> And I get this message:
> "Starting httpd: httpd: module "mod_ruby.c" is not compatible with
> this version of Apache (found 20020628, need 20020903).
> Please contact the vendor for the correct version."
> I can't figure out what the heck is going on. I've tried 3 different
> versions of mod_ruby. I've even gone so far as to update my entire
> system (which was RH9) to Fedora Core 2 via yum. I also upgraded gcc
> and glibc... and I STILL get the same error.
> I can't figure out what the heck to do. Any suggestions?
sounds like you are linking (at runtime) against the old mod_ruby libraries
compiled against the old apache - eg. the old libs are still on your system
somewhere and it's these that are being used. perhaps this is due to apxs
used or somesuch. if this is the case you need to convice apache to load the
correct mod_ruby somehow. perhaps using some combination of LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
LD_RUN_PATH, or flags to configure/compile steps building mod_ruby. in any
case, i'd confirm you are not loading the old version when running httpd.
something like
LD_DEBUG=all httpd start
may help.
> EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
> PHONE :: 303.497.6469
> When you do something, you should burn yourself completely, like a good
> bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself. --Shunryu Suzuki
Thanks everyone for the help. I had indeed posted a message to the
modruby list before here (though strangely I never got the email from
the list with my request... hrm). Anyway, what I ultimately ended up
doing was upgrading my entire RH9 to Fedora Core 2 using Yum. There
were a few depedencies in RH9 that exist that do not in FC2 that I had
to delete, but other than that the upgrade went smoothly. After the
upgrade, I rebuit mod_ruby and everything worked beautifully. Not
sure what the problem was before... but its working now so I'm happy.
THanks again.
On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 22:55:11 +0900, Patrick May <patrick@hexane.org> wrote:
On Thursday, October 28, 2004, at 03:54 PM, Belorion wrote:
> I can't figure out what the heck to do. Any suggestions?
Your mileage may vary, but these are my ideas:
* there are lists at modruby.net specifically for mod_ruby. you might
be able to find assistance there
* are you using the latest sources for mod_ruby? maybe this is a bug
that has been fixed. I remember that mod_ruby didn't work with Apache2
for some time. Are you using the latest sources for apxs?
* If all fails, you could use mod_fastcgi and fcgi. I don't know how
much of an impact this would have on your app though.
Well, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_RUN_PATH are environment variables, set at the shell level. But this is not what you want to do at all. Everybody should remebember that Apache loads its modules from explicitly given paths, not the one specified ld.so.
What you _do_ want to do is to clean out the apache module directory (check your system but usually its something like /usr/lib/apache-modules, I would not know, I haven't logged into a RHbox in years). Make very sure that there are no mod_ruby.so files lying around. Then install your newly downloaded version and make sure the file appears. Restart apache and see.
Remember, it could be that the error message is actually not an error, that either apache or mod_ruby are saying "This is not going to work". It would be be useful to know what exactly is the source of the error message, the Apache source code or the mod_ruby source code.
NE-ways, hope it helps.
A thought: What version of apache are you upgrading from? Just to get an idea of the system in place?
On Oct 28, 2004, at 10:42 PM, Belorion wrote:
I went through and deleted mod_ruby.so. It appears in 2 locations, and
deleting 1 deletes the other. I have 2 versions of apxs on my system,
and I have tried ./configure --with-apxs=apxs_location
with both of them. I still get the same error.
I'm not sure I understand how to change LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_RUN_PATH.
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 05:23:59 +0900, ara.t.howard@noaa.gov > <ara.t.howard@noaa.gov> wrote:
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, Belorion wrote:
I've installed mod_ruby and eruby on a number of different occassions
without a hitch.
However, I'm having issues now. I recently upgraded my apache server
to 2.0.50. I figured I would have to update my modules, and so I
wasn't surprised when this didn't work right off the bat.
I tought, hey, I just need to rebuild mod_ruby.
So I d/l the most recent version from modruby.net, unpacked,
/configure --with-apxs, make, make install.
And I get this message:
"Starting httpd: httpd: module "mod_ruby.c" is not compatible with
this version of Apache (found 20020628, need 20020903).
Please contact the vendor for the correct version."
I can't figure out what the heck is going on. I've tried 3 different
versions of mod_ruby. I've even gone so far as to update my entire
system (which was RH9) to Fedora Core 2 via yum. I also upgraded gcc
and glibc... and I STILL get the same error.
I can't figure out what the heck to do. Any suggestions?
sounds like you are linking (at runtime) against the old mod_ruby libraries
compiled against the old apache - eg. the old libs are still on your system
somewhere and it's these that are being used. perhaps this is due to apxs
used or somesuch. if this is the case you need to convice apache to load the
correct mod_ruby somehow. perhaps using some combination of LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
LD_RUN_PATH, or flags to configure/compile steps building mod_ruby. in any
case, i'd confirm you are not loading the old version when running httpd.
something like
LD_DEBUG=all httpd start
may help.
> EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
> PHONE :: 303.497.6469
> When you do something, you should burn yourself completely, like a good
> bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself. --Shunryu Suzuki
Mailing lists confuse me. Often I don't recognize my own posts and I set about writing a flaming reply where I violently disagree. [curne@curnomatic.dk]