On Feb 2, 3:40 pm, "Tim Pease" <tim.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/2/07, Daniel Berger <djber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I've got some test tasks that I've got setup via a Rakefile. I'd like
> > to see the output in the 'turn' format. However, simply sticking
> > 'require "turn"' at the top of the Rakefile doesn't quite do the
> > trick:
> > >rake test_foo
> > Loaded suite /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.1/lib/rake/
> > rake_test_loader
> > Started
> > .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
> > Finished in 0.440434 seconds.
> > 249 tests, 738 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
> > Loaded suite /usr/local/bin/rake
> > ==============================================================================
> > pass: 0, fail: 0, error: 0
> > total: 0 tests with 0 assertions in 0.001122 seconds
> > ==============================================================================
> > So, it's giving me the nicer summary, but not the line by line result
> > for each test.
> > How do I get Rake to behave the way I want?
> When you run your unit tests from within rake, they are actually run
> in a separate ruby interpreter. Requiring turn into the Rakefile does
> not require turn into the ruby interpreter where the unit tests are
> run.
> You'll have to modify your test task to include turn ...
> ruby -Ilib -rturn your/test.rb
> Or use the turn command
> turn -Ilib your/test.rb
> The fancy turn summary is coming out of the ruby interpreter running
> rake. When you require 'turn' the test::unit library is also
> included. test::unit sets up an empty test suite by default and
> registers a teardown hook. If no tests are run by the time the
> interpreter exits, the teardown hook is invoked and the empty test
> suite is run (hence the empty result set).
> Hope this explanation helps.
Thanks Tim, it does.
In theory, then, I ought to be able to push "-rturn" onto the
TestTask#ruby_opts accessor. Unfortunately, there appears to be a bug
in Rake where the @ruby_opts instance variable is getting reset to an
empty array inside the "define" method in testtask.rb.
I'll bring that up on the Rake mailing list.