Missing required 'path' module?

Thanks Kevin,

apt-get install irb didn't work, but it got me thinking. apt-get had installed ruby 1.8.4 minus irb. I installed 1.8.5 from scratch and this had irb, but it turns out was missing yaml and zlib, whic I apt-got (correct tense?). Of course this installed them under /usr not /usr/local so I had to copy them. Seems to be working, but I must do some cleanup later or I will confuse the hell out of myself.


----- kij <kijmail@gmail.com> wrote:

Mike A. Kenny wrote:
> I am running Ubuntu 6.06 with ruby 1.8.4, rails 1.1.6 and gem
> I have created an empty application and added the method 'hello' to
the controller. When I try to access this in webbrick my broswer page
is blank and the output from the server is:
> - - [19/Nov/2006:10:37:09 SAST] "GET /grope/hello
HTTP/1.1" 200 0
> - -> /grope/hello
> [2006-11-19 10:37:09] ERROR MissingSourceFile: no such file to load
-- irb

Hey Mike,
my guess is you need to install irb - properly something like:
install irb

mike kenny
Linux Registered User #381724
LPI ID# 80080

"Hell, there are no rules here, we're just trying to accomplish something"
                                                       Thomas Edison

If you installed 1.8.5 from source and didn't have yaml something bad probably happened.

If you installed 1.8.5 from scratch and zlib wasn't built you probably were missing the zlib libraries on your system.

You shouldn't be copying these files across ruby versions. It may lead to strange bugs.


On Nov 19, 2006, at 4:12 AM, Mike A. Kenny wrote:

my guess is you need to install irb - properly something like:
apt-get install irb

apt-get install irb didn't work, but it got me thinking. apt-get had installed ruby 1.8.4 minus irb. I installed 1.8.5 from scratch and this had irb, but it turns out was missing yaml and zlib, whic I apt-got (correct tense?). Of course this installed them under /usr not /usr/local so I had to copy them. Seems to be working, but I must do some cleanup later or I will confuse the hell out of myself.

Eric Hodel - drbrain@segment7.net - http://blog.segment7.net
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