This problem is still happening to me in
1.6.6… has anyone else seen this?
The behavior is: I define a proc to try to
set a radio button as soon as it gets the
focus… but it crashes.
1.6.1 used to give me a stacktrace; 1.6.6
just says “abnormal program termination.”
Hal Fulton
----- Original Message -----
From: “Hal E. Fulton”
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: Minor Tk bug on Windows?
----- Original Message -----
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: Minor Tk bug on Windows????
Does the following script crash?require ‘tk’
v =
(1…3).each{|i| {
text “Button #{i}”
value i
variable v
bind ‘FocusIn’, proc{v.value=i}
Tk.mainloopYes, it does… see below.
I think I am going to install a newer Ruby and
see what happens.Are you the maintainer of Ruby/Tk?
I am very impressed by it, but my Tk knowledge
is still growing…Thank you,
Hal Fulton/cygdrive/c/ruby/lib/ruby/1.6/tk.rb:596: [BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 1.6.1 (2000-10-05) [i386-cygwin]
0 [sig] RUBY 1000 stackdump: Dumping stack trace to
RUBY.EXE.stackdumpStack trace:
Frame Function Args
0253DE18 6103F2F3 (00000064, 0000EA60, 00000000, 6103EF38)
0253DE58 6103F2F3 (88282EE8, 00000006, 00000000, 0253DF10)
0253DE88 6103C9CC (000003E8, 00000006, 000003E8, 6108625C)
0253DEA8 6107AE2F (61086020, 000003E8, 00000006, 0253DF00)
0253DEC8 610700F0 (61086020, 00000006, 0253DEF4, FFFFFFFF)
0253DEE8 610700C5 (00000006, 67D78E30, 67D78E36, 67D78E41)
0253DF08 6106C996 (00000000, 0253DF4C, 10011A1F, 004280AC)
0253E328 67D0AC94 (67D68E53, 0000016F, 0000016F, 00434298)
0253E348 67D68E7B (0000000B, 00000000, FFFFFFFF, 00000003)
0253E380 6100B5BE (00000003, 0044CA2E, 0253E4F0, 0253E4F0)
0253E394 0EAB4A10 (0253E3DC, 00000003, 00000030, 0253E4E0)
0253E4F0 0EAC1164 (004399C4, 0044CA2E, 0044CF64, 00000000)
0253E768 0EABFFAC (004340B8, 0044CF64, 004399C4, 00000004)
0253E7EC 0EAE3D49 (004399C4, 0044CF64, BFF741F7, BFFC9490)
0253E840 0EAEE183 (0044CF64, 0044CF5C, 00411528, 004182D4)
0253E858 0EAEE5AA (0044CF5C, FFFFFFFD, 0044CF5C, 0044CF5C)
End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)