MInimal Ruby Distribution with app

I'm looking for a minimal distribution of Ruby to distribute my app


not quite a separate minimal ruby source distribution, but you might find Rubyscript2exe helpful,

This will bundle up a (platform specific) minimum runtime binary + libraries package.
You can unzip the contents of the minimal bundle to see what's needed, or run it in place.

alex wrote:


I'm looking for a minimal distribution of Ruby to distribute my app


for windows, worked nicely
with my ruby app/wxRuby GUI. Exerb yields a nice standalone ~1 mb .exe
file which works.

Alex Fenton wrote:

not quite a separate minimal ruby source distribution, but you might find Rubyscript2exe helpful,

This will bundle up a (platform specific) minimum runtime binary + libraries package.
You can unzip the contents of the minimal bundle to see what's needed, or run it in place.

Rubyscript2exe is quite nice. As an example, a bundled Nitro application is ~2,250 kb.



-- - The Ruby Documentation Site - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff - Playing with Better Toys

Konstantin Levinski wrote:

for windows, worked nicely
with my ruby app/wxRuby GUI. Exerb yields a nice standalone ~1 mb .exe
file which works.

also, the exerb produced executable can be compressed by upx...

Alex Fenton wrote:


not quite a separate minimal ruby source distribution, but you might
find Rubyscript2exe helpful,

This will bundle up a (platform specific) minimum runtime binary +
libraries package.
You can unzip the contents of the minimal bundle to see what's needed,
or run it in place.

alex wrote:
> I'm looking for a minimal distribution of Ruby to distribute my app
> with.
> Thanks

Is there something similar for Mac OS X?



On 8/30/05, Alex Fenton <> wrote:

not quite a separate minimal ruby source distribution, but you might
find Rubyscript2exe helpful,

Douglas Livingstone wrote:


On 8/30/05, Alex Fenton <> wrote:

not quite a separate minimal ruby source distribution, but you might
find Rubyscript2exe helpful,

Is there something similar for Mac OS X?


-- - The Ruby Documentation Site - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff - Playing with Better Toys

Doesn't MacOS X have ruby already bundled in ?


Douglas Livingstone <> wrote:

> not quite a separate minimal ruby source distribution, but you might
> find Rubyscript2exe helpful,
> depending

Is there something similar for Mac OS X?

Romuald Brunet, ICQ 33033393,

Remplacez nospam par mon prénom pour me contacter par email

Yes it does. But it is broken in Tiger and basically needs to be
recompiled and reinstalled to be usable. It is only version 1.6 in the
previous version of MacOS X. The library that you used may not be
installed. Etc.

In short, you might be better off bundling everything, including ruby,
in a click-able application for better result.



On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 05:51 +0900, Romuald Brunet wrote:

Douglas Livingstone <> wrote:

> > not quite a separate minimal ruby source distribution, but you might
> > find Rubyscript2exe helpful,
> > depending
> >
> Is there something similar for Mac OS X?

Doesn't MacOS X have ruby already bundled in ?

This isn't really true -- there are minor configuration problems with
the Tiger build of Ruby, but the only cases they've affected me are
when trying to build and install new extension modules. If you have
your extensions (if any) compiled and ready to go, distributing
Ruby-based applications isn't hard, esp. with tools like Platypus and
Pashua to throw a GUI on top.

The biggest problem I've had with distributing Ruby apps for OS X is
that 10.2 and 10.3 included ruby 1.6 builds, not 1.8 versions, so
binary extensions won't be compatible. You can get away with some
installer-trickery (basically, distributing both 1.6 and 1.8 builds,
and swapping the right one into place at install time) but it's quite a
pain trying to maintain (and test) backwards-compatibility for that old
a version of Ruby.


It will also affect you if you're using PDF::Writer because of
endianness issues.



On 8/31/05, rcoder <> wrote:

This isn't really true -- there are minor configuration problems with
the Tiger build of Ruby, but the only cases they've affected me are
when trying to build and install new extension modules. If you have
your extensions (if any) compiled and ready to go, distributing
Ruby-based applications isn't hard, esp. with tools like Platypus and
Pashua to throw a GUI on top.

Austin Ziegler *
               * Alternate: