Memory Leak (again)

There is a little memory leak in my script I am not able to spot. I have tried
everything I found about detecting leaks but no luck.

I first tried all the recomendations found here

I can see the number of objects but the total number of objects does not
increment indefinitely but the script keeps consuming memory.

I tried this code:

Entry = "MEntry", :c, :mem )
class MEntry; def to_s() "#{c} : #{mem}"; end; end

GroupEntry = "GroupEntry", :c, :mem, :total )
class GroupEntry; def to_s() "#{c} x#{total}(#{mem})"; end; end

def profile_mem
    groups = {}
    ObjectSpace.each_object { |x|
            e = nil
                e = x.class, Marshal::dump(x).size )
            rescue TypeError # undumpable
                e = x.class, 0 )
            if groups.has_key? e.c
                groups[e.c].mem += e.mem
                groups[e.c].total += 1
                groups[e.c] = e.c, e.mem, 1 )
    } "mem_log", "a+" ) { |file|
        total = 0
        groups.to_a.sort_by { |e| e[1].mem }.each { |e|
            file << "#{e[1]} ";
            total += e[1].mem
        file << "TOTAL == #{total}"
        file << "\n"

This code gives a list of all objects in ObjectSpace and their memory usage.
Also I log the total memory usage.

The log indicates that my scripts uses between 3 to 4 megs of memory
constantly, that is, it fluctuates between these values but the windows
manager indicates that the memory increase all the time and never goes down.

Running the script for a day consumes all 2G ram of my machine and causes the
script to bail out.

So are there any other tips on how to detect memory leaks?? Ruby Memory
Validator is only available to accepted beta testers so is not an option for

I use Windows XP pro with the One-Click Ruby installer (1.8.2) and
ActiveRecord (1.13.2).

Any ideas are welcome...


Horacio Sanson wrote:

There is a little memory leak in my script I am not able to spot. I have
everything I found about detecting leaks but no luck.

I first tried all the recomendations found here

I can see the number of objects but the total number of objects does not
increment indefinitely but the script keeps consuming memory.

I tried this code:

Entry = "MEntry", :c, :mem )
class MEntry; def to_s() "#{c} : #{mem}"; end; end

GroupEntry = "GroupEntry", :c, :mem, :total )
class GroupEntry; def to_s() "#{c} x#{total}(#{mem})"; end; end

def profile_mem
    groups = {}
    ObjectSpace.each_object { |x|
            e = nil
                e = x.class, Marshal::dump(x).size )
            rescue TypeError # undumpable
                e = x.class, 0 )
            if groups.has_key? e.c
                groups[e.c].mem += e.mem
                groups[e.c].total += 1
                groups[e.c] = e.c, e.mem, 1 )
    } "mem_log", "a+" ) { |file|
        total = 0
        groups.to_a.sort_by { |e| e[1].mem }.each { |e|
            file << "#{e[1]} ";
            total += e[1].mem
        file << "TOTAL == #{total}"
        file << "\n"

This code gives a list of all objects in ObjectSpace and their memory
Also I log the total memory usage.

The log indicates that my scripts uses between 3 to 4 megs of memory
constantly, that is, it fluctuates between these values but the windows
manager indicates that the memory increase all the time and never goes

The above logger seems to be reasonably good (although it
will not count Symbols and Fixnums) so there is a chance
this might be caused by your platform.

Running the script for a day consumes all 2G ram of my machine and
causes the
script to bail out.

So are there any other tips on how to detect memory leaks?? Ruby Memory
Validator is only available to accepted beta testers so is not an option

I use Windows XP pro with the One-Click Ruby installer (1.8.2) and
ActiveRecord (1.13.2).

Any ideas are welcome...

If you can publish the script or a minimal version exhibiting
the same behaviour, we can try to troubleshoot it (or just run
it on different platforms in case the problem is caused by WinXP).




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