Joe Collins wrote in post #1021260:
I want to make an array of strings, i.e boy, girl, cat dog
how do I do that in Ruby?
#You can do it several ways:
# A- Create an array which elements are strings
str_arr = ["boy", "girl", "cat", "dog"] # => ["boy", "girl", "cat",
# B- The same using %w - it splits a string into words, and returns an
array. Notice also that () is used to delimit the string, instead of ""
str_arr = %w(boy girl cat dog) # => ["boy", "girl", "cat", "dog"]
Also, I want to read words from a file and make them an array of
strings. I can read files fine but making an array of strings is where I
#To decompose a string into words, and store them in an array, you can
use String#split [1] - it fits like a glove
Also, if you want to refresh these details, have a reading over "The
Pragmatic Programmer's Guide" which is available online, and very well
explained [2]
[1] class String - RDoc Documentation
Thanks in advance
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