Making all my Ruby files pretty


I’m trying to make a simple Ruby code beautifier to set me at ease. I
know there’s already rbeautify:

But I need to do some more:

Like making,

comments like these



Comments like these.

E.g. making sure the first letter after "^# " (if any) is always
uppercase and that every comment line ends with a dot.

As well as,

comments like these.

bla bla.

bla blaaa.


Comments like these. Bla bla. Bla blaaa.

Every comment is always joined into one line.

I’m not sure exactly what approach to take. Whether to build on
rbeautify or not. I also need the functionality from my old shell script:

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

for file in $PWD/**/*(.); do

# Check if file is text.
if file -b $file | grep -q 'text'; then

    # Remove CRLF, blank lines and trailing white space.
    # In FreeBSD use: sed -e
    tr -d '\r' < $file | sed -E -e 'v/\S/d' -e 's/[[:space:]]+$//' > 


    mv -f $file.tmp $file

echo "$file"



Would love to hear what you guys think.

All the best,

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Kyrre Nygård wrote:

comments like these.

bla bla.

bla blaaa.



Look around you! Do you see any comments in these programs?

(Besides the RDoc meat…:wink:



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